[#13] [Diluc] - Bodyguard

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Genre: Fluff

Bodyguard Diluc x reader

Modern AU

Words: 2735


"No, Y/N. You are not allowed to party tonight," Diluc, your bodyguard, said as his body leaned on the doorframe. He's the recently hired bodyguard recruited by your father 3 months ago. Unfortunately, he is quite annoying and overly controlling, as if he can boss me around. "Now, go back to your room or else..." his tone was stern and commanding, making it clear that you would face consequences if you disobeyed him. "But..." You tried to whine. "No buts, Y/N," Diluc interrupted, his sharp gaze locking onto yours. "Your safety is my priority, and I won't let you put yourself in unnecessary danger by attending some wild party." You rolled your eyes, frustration bubbling up within you. "I can take care of myself, Diluc. I don't need a babysitter." He sighed, clearly unimpressed by your protest. "Your father specifically instructed me to ensure you stay out of trouble. Now, go back to your room and call it a night." Anger sparked in your eyes as you crossed your arms. "You can't keep me locked up like some prisoner, Diluc. I have a life to live!" "I'm not trying to keep you locked up. I'm trying to keep you safe," he retorted, his patience wearing thin. "There are dangers out there that you don't understand." You huffed, frustrated with his seemingly overbearing attitude. "I'm not a child, Diluc. I can handle myself. Stop acting like an old man. You're only 2 years older than me." He pushed himself off the doorframe. "It's not about whether you can handle yourself or not. It's about preventing situations where you'd need to. Your father trusts me to protect you, and I won't fail him." You glared at him, feeling a mixture of anger and helplessness. "But Nilou's gonna be there~" Diluc raised an eyebrow, seemingly unmoved by the mention of Nilou. "Nilou's presence doesn't change anything, Y/N. I have my orders, and I intend to follow them." You folded your arms, contemplating your next move. "You know, you could at least try to understand my side. This is not fair!" "I'm not here to be fair." Diluc replied, his tone unyielding. Frustration bubbled up inside you as you searched for a way to reason with him. "Look, I promise I won't stay out too late, and I'll keep an eye on my surroundings. Can't I just have a little freedom?" Diluc hesitated for a moment, his stern expression softening ever so slightly. "But if anything were to happen to you, I wouldn't forgive myself." "You're overreacting," you argued, "I just want to have some fun. It's not like I'm planning to jump off a cliff or anything." Diluc's gaze hardened again. "Fun can quickly turn into trouble. Your father hired me to make sure you stay out of trouble. Now, are you going back to your room or not?" Defeated, you sighed, realizing that arguing with Diluc might be a lost cause. "Fine, I'll go back to my room. But you're ruining my social life, you know." Diluc remained firm. "Your social life can wait. Your safety can't."




"Stupid bodyguard..." I quickly grab my phone and text Nilou.YNotfunny: Hey gurl, I can't come tonight :((RamenNilou: Whyy, is it your hot bodyguard again? At least he cares for you~YNotfunny: He may be hot, but he's ruining my life :DRamenNilou: What a bummer. But you know Ayaka's throwing a party at her mansion next week. You should come!YNotfunny: My stupid bodyguard will probably lock me up again...RamenNilou: Don't worry, I have a plan :))YNotfunny: What plan?YNotfunny: Nilou?YNotfunny: GIRL RESPONDRamenNilou: Sorry, girl, I found a hot dude here, chat ya later <33YNotfunny: You're seriously making my situation way worse :((

'I wanna go so bad,' you thought. You quietly opened the door to check if Diluc is there, and surprisingly he's not. He must be in a meeting with your father. You sneaked out to the garden, hoping to escape. You arrived and texted Nilou that you were gonna try to escape, but suddenly a voice behind you was heard."Trying to escape I see.. Your father is calling you. Dinner is ready."You looked up from your phone, a bit surprised at Diluc's sudden appearance. "Dinner already?" you asked, realizing that time had passed quicker than you thought during your brief escape into the garden. Diluc nodded. "Yes, your father is waiting. Let's go." You sighed, reluctantly putting your phone away and following him to the dining room. As you entered, your father greeted you with a warm smile. "There you are, Y/n. Diluc said you were taking a walk in the garden. Everything okay?" You exchanged a quick glance with Diluc, who maintained a neutral expression. "Yeah, just needed some fresh air," you replied, avoiding any mention of your attempted escape for the night. The three of you sat down for dinner, and the atmosphere was surprisingly calm. Your father talked about his day, and Diluc occasionally added a few comments. You couldn't help but steal glances at Diluc, wondering if he would bring up the incident later. However, he remained focused on his duties, making sure everything ran smoothly during the meal.After dinner, your father excused himself to attend to some business, leaving you alone with Diluc. The tension between you two lingered, and you decided to break the silence. "So, are you going to lecture me again?" you asked, crossing your arms defensively. Diluc sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Y/n, I can't just let you go off without knowing where you are and what you're doing." You rolled your eyes, feeling a mix of frustration and guilt. He looked at you with a seriousness that bordered on concern. "As I said earlier, it's not about whether you can handle yourself or not. It's about the potential dangers out there. I need to know you're safe." You huffed, feeling the weight of his responsibility on your shoulders. "I get it, Diluc. But can't I have a bit of space? I promise I won't do anything too reckless." He sighed, "Let's just discuss this tomorrow; for now, have some rest." He said and escorted me back to my room.

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