Mismatched Vows

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(Eun-byul stares at Jun-hyuk in shock as the announcer speaks, then after the announcement she was taken back to the hall, this time only Eun-byul and Soo-ah's parents were there. The King and the Queen were with Jun-hyuk on his side)

Soo-ah's mom: So what do you think?

Soo-ah's dad: Does it even matter? I just want her marriage to finish so that i can rest 

Soo-ah's mom: We should think about her first! Stop spewing nonsense, so tell me dear, is he good?

Eun-byul: Um i mean, look wise, he is...amazing, but i don't know since i haven't really met him

Soo-ah's mom: Dont worry, I'm sure you will get to know him very well after we leave you here

Eun-byul: Leave me here? - wait what are you talking about Mom?

Soo-ah's mom: Your dad and i have some royal duties to take care of, so we asked the king and queen if we can leave you here and they agreed! isn't that wonderful?

Eun-byul: Wonderful? i barely even know them

Soo-ah's dad: So this is your chance to get to know them, don't blow it

Soo-ah's mom: We need to go NOW. Bye darling!~ have fun

Eun-byul: But- but...

(After the parents left, Eun-byul had no idea what to do, but right then...)


(Someone had crashed right into Eun-byul)

Eun-byul: OW! Hey watch where your going! Do you even know who i am?!

... : Yeah of course i do, your my chingu's fiancé

Eun-byul: Huh-

... : I'm really sorry about him, he is just too adventurous 

Eun-byul: Who are you people?
'i don't recognize any of these and I sure didn't have any weirdos in my novel'

... : We are "The Velvet Vipers"

Eun-byul: Wow...such a cool name

... : Speaking of names, what's your name?

Eun-byul: Oh, your chingu didn't tell you?

... : Nah...he's too busy with his girlfriend


... : (whispers) man why did you tell that??!

Eun-byul: Whatever, i don't care, anyways, my name is Eu- i mean Soo-ah

... : Wow, that's such a cute name, I love it

Eun-byul: Thank you? What's yours?

Sung-hoon: I'm Sung-hoon

Yuwon: I'm Yuwon

Jung-won: I'm Jungwon

Seol-ya: I'm Seol-ya

Kyung-soo: I'm Kyung-soo

Min-hee: I'm Min-hee

Jisung: I'm Jisung

Gaeul: I'm Gaeul

Seung-cheol: I'm Seung-cheol

Heeso: and finally, I'm Heeso. Together we are THE VELVET VIPERS

Eun-byul: Um...damn, that's a lot to remember, hmm I definitely don't remember writing down your names

Gaeul: Writing our names down? what do you mean?

Eun-byul: Oh nothing...hmm Heeso right?

Heeso: Yeah

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