Chapter 16

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Gianna's POV

I woke up to a sleeping, Marcel. I laid my head on his chest staring at him. How could someone look so good sleeping? His chocolate skin, his perfect asymmetrical face, strong jawline, soft full perfect lips, and his tattoos that covered many parts of him. He has a tattoo sleeve on his left arm, a singular tattoo on his right arm, a bible scripture on his stomach, a lion on his back, and a Sonder tattoo on his neck. I studied him long enough to memorize every tattoo and the color.

"You're staring" he said with a grin and I laughed.

"I was just admiring you" I teased using his excuse when he stares at me.

"You're the one to admire"

He opened his eyes to look at me and I felt breathless. His almond hazel eyes beautiful looking into my boring light brown ones.

"Yeah..right" I playfully rolled my eyes and he gently grabbed my face.

"I wish you could see what I see" he stared into my eyes and I could see every emotion. As if every thought or feeling he has for me was speaking directly to me with his eyes.

He leaned in and kissed me softly. I smiled and sat up looking at him.

"So, what are we doing today?"

"Well, I have business to handle" he got out of bed as I groaned.

"Can I come?"

"No" he didn't even hesitate to answer or think about it.

"Why not?"

"Because it's dangerous and I can't risk you being around that"

"So what is it? Trap business?" He laughed and looked at me as if I was a adorable five year old asking how babies were made.

"Trap business? Baby, I own a club"  he said as if I could understand his code.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Meaning, I wouldn't dare be stupid enough to get a trap house. That's like a neon yellow flag in a room full of black ones. You'll easily spot it, it's obvious"

I thought about it and well that made sense. But if it wasn't that then what was it? He owns a club of course and I know he went to college. So obviously he in or run a nice business that looks legit, but is far from it.

"So what is it?"

"I run the club of course and I run three companies. Explaining everything and how it works would take forever. But I will say three of my businesses are part of my job. One of em is legit"

"So what happens if cops randomly roam around your business?"

"They won't and don't because I have inside people. But if they ever do, Im always twenty steps ahead of em" I looked away amused. I got out of bed and walked the bathroom.

"Can I pleaseee come with you?" I pleaded wrapping my arms around him.

He looked at me for a minute and then sigh. "Fine"


"But...I don't want you anywhere near that part of my life. I wanna keep that part and this part far away from each other" I nodded and kissed him.
We walked in the building and it was beautiful. Everything looked like a regular company with what look like clients. We got on the glass elevator and I looked at him excited. Marcel just shook his head with a laugh. The elevator pinged and the door opened.

"Come on" he held my waist as we walked through the office.

Everyone looked up and was staring at me. I gave a polite smile as he stared at me amused. We walked into his office and I looked around.

"This is nice"

"Thank you"

"This businessman look you got looks sexy on you" he smirked and I bit my lip.

"You like me in uniform?" He asked teasingly as he walked closer to me. I nodded and he grabbed the back of my neck bringing me closer.

"I love you in uniform" he leaned down and french kissed me. Wrapping my arms around him, I pushed my up on my tippy toes. He pulled away and the door opened.

"Boss" Marcel turned around and I looked at the tall man that stood by the door.

"Breezy, what do you have for me?" The guy looked at him and then me. Is it a crime to have a outsider here or something?

"You got a visitor"

"Good, let him in"

Marcel looked at him as he sat down in his chair and pulled me on his lap. I was excited to see him in action. He sat back and Breezy brought over a keepsake box. Marcel wrapped his arm around my waist and the door opened. A middle aged man walked in with four guys like he owned the place.

"Winter" he said looking pleased to be here.

"Marco" the guy's name came off Marcel's tongue cold as ice.

"You got it or what?"

"Oh, I always got what the people need. I'm sure you know better than anyone" he smirked and I looked at him.

"Of course I do, you stole all of my people from under my nose"

"Just like blow"

"Mhm" then his eye fixated on me. The lust that swirled in his blue pools made me sick. "Who's the stunning flower on your lap?" I felt uncomfortable from his gaze.

"Unless you wanna leave my office in a body bag, you'll keep your eyes and your thoughts to yourself" he put his hands up in surrender.

"My bad, I didn't know she was wifey"

"Don't let it happen again" Marcel looked intimidating but it was sexy. "Where is it?"

The other guy grabbed their bags and handed it to Breezy. Marcel looked at Breezy and he checked every stack before nodding.

"Breezy, make sure they get every single brick. Not one should be missing" he nodded and walked out the office.

"Nice doing business with you, Winter" the guy stood up and Marcel shook his hand.

"Pleasure is due" they walked out and I looked at him as he signaled for Breezy to shut the door.

"What was that?" I asked feeling relieved that he was back to his chill self.

"Money" I nodded and he glanced at me.

I spent the rest of the day seeing how he operate his business. I learned new stuff and honestly the sight made me wanna jump his bones.

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