Chapter 6

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Gianna's POV

I was at home alone, in bed watching tv. Mama and dad left to California yesterday. Grandma had a bad fall and hurt herself. She's already sick, so mom and dad gonna be gone for a couple weeks.

"She should be up" Tina walked in with Marcel and I looked up.

"You're not dressed?"

"For?" I asked pausing my movie.

"The family cookout" I looked at him.

"That's today?!" I got out of bed with wide eyes.

"Yeah, you forgot?"

I went to the bathroom and ran my water. I got out of the shower, brushed my teeth, and walked to my closet. After drying off, I put on some cocoa butter lotion and my undergarments. I curled my hair, did my makeup and topped it off with lipgloss. I put on my outfit topping it off with my Champagne Toast body spray from B&BW.

Her Outfit

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Her Outfit

Marcel got up and I grabbed my phone. We walked downstairs, I assumed Tina must've left. We walked outside, I locked up the house, and he opened the door to his white Maserati for me. I smiled getting in letting him shut the door. Marcel walked around getting in the car and sped off.

*Marcel's Grandmother's House*

I looked at him nervous to meet his family. He jogged around and opened the door helping me out. I couldn't believe I was meeting his mother(grandmother in case yall are confused). I know she means so much to him right along with Nessa.

He knocked and I held his arm. Marcel gave me a reassuring smile that some what helped with my nerves. The woman opened the door and she was stunning.

"Hey mama" he hugged her and her smile widened.

"Im glad you came" they pulled away and her attention went straight towards me. "And who is this beautiful young lady?"

"Mama, this is Gianna, my friend" she smiled and hugged me.

"Gianna, I'm Olivia but please call me mama" I nodded with a smile.

"It's nice meeting you mama" we walked in and it was full. He sure did have a lot of family members.

Remember when I said I don't do well with a lot of people. My anxiety was kicking my butt in here. Marcel grabbed my waist pulling me close to him.

"Relax, their gonna love you" for some reason his touch sent a chills through my body and he chuckled.


"I didn't know I had an effect on you like that" I looked away feeling embarrassed.

"Is it okay if I take Gianna with me" Marcel looked at mama and I smiled.

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