Chapter 16- The Fenton Menace

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We start out in the desert. The Fenton GAV was speeding and swerving on a cliff side road.

Jack was driving dangerously, drinking a soda from his drinking hat. Maddie was sitting shotgun, an excited look gracing her features.

Jazz sat in the back, holding her seat in a death grip.
"Do you know how sometimes you feel like you're the only responsible person in your family?," Jazz's voiceover asked. Jazz swayed in the GAV as it continued its dangerous drive onward.

Ectoblasts hit the GAV from behind. Jazz stuck her head out of the window, gazing at her family's assailant with fear.
"Well, there are days my family makes me feel like I'm the only responsible adult in the world," Jazz's voiceover continued.
"Guys! Pay attention to the road!," Jazz yelled at her parents. Jack and Maddie were blasting music at max volume from the GAV's stereo.
"What?!," Jack and Maddie yelled at Jazz. An ectoblast landed near the wheels of the GAV.

Jack swerved as he and Maddie gasped. Jazz moved to the front of the GAV.
"After all, since I learned Danny's secret...," Jazz's voiceover trailed off. Jack, Maddie and Jazz stared out the windshield as Danny Phantom blasted at air.

Danny Phantom was suddenly being dragged around by nothing. Danny grunted as he fought an invisible force, sending ectoblasts around the GAV.

Something pulled Danny's leg and flung him back and forth. Danny freed himself and sent ectoblasts at the canyon walls, causing rocks to fall on the road.
"I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone know. Mom. Dad. Even Danny. Unless his life depended on it. Well guess what? It looks like that time has come!," Jazz's voiceover yelled as Danny fell towards the GAV.
"Look out!," Jazz, Jack and Maddie yelled.
"You know how regular kids freak out because of a pop quiz or a pimple? Well my brother Danny has other pressures," Jazz's voiceover explained as Danny fought an invisible ghost, shooting ectoblasts everywhere. Danny screamed and he was flung towards the GAV.

Jazz, Jack and Maddie screamed.
"But I'm getting ahead of myself. I guess it all started on a typical Fenton family outing," Jazz's voiceover started, as Danny landed on the GAV's windshield. The scene changed to a large body of water on a sunny day.


This is where we find our hero.

Danny's POV

I was in the Fenton sub- aquatic vehicle with my sister and parents.
"Nothing like spending quality family time with the people you love," mom spoke. Mom pushed a button and the display on the Fenton sub- aquatic vehicle read "DIVE".

The Fenton sub- aquatic vehicle dropped underwater. Dad was driving and mom was in the back with Jazz and I.

I sat down nervously as Jazz heaved a sigh.
"And by quality time you mean hunting down ghosts in a sub- aquatic death trap?," Jazz asked mom.
"You betcha Jazzypants! Whether it's air, land or sea I won't stop until we capture a ghost and tear it apart. Molecule by molecule," dad announced. I stared at my shoes sadly.

Would my parents really tear me apart molecule by molecule if they found out I was half ghost? I lifted my head up and looked out the window, gasping at what I saw.
"Danny? You okay?," Jazz asked me.
"Who me? I'm swell. Every single molecule of me. I just don't think we should... Go in there," I spoke to my family, pressing my face against the window, staring at Youngblood's ship. The ghost shield was still active.
"Go in there? Good idea Danny!," dad yelled, pushing the navigation controls forward quickly.
"What? No! Don't you see it? How can you not see it? Ghost!," I yelled, gripping onto my seat hard, shaking out of nervousness and fear. Mom and dad happily looked around the water while Jazz looked bored.
"A ghost? That I can tear apart molecule by molecule? Where?," dad asked, looking at me as he approached me. Mom and dad stood on either side of me, eagerly looking out of my window.

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