प्रत्येक व्यक्ति इस भौतिक शरीर रुपी रथ पर आरूढ़ है और बुद्धि इसका सारथी है। मन लगाम है तथा इन्द्रियां घोड़े हैं। इस प्रकार मन तथा इन्द्रियों की संगति से यह आत्मा सुख या दुःख का भोक्ता है।
(Every person is riding on the chariot of this physical body and the intellect is its charioteer. The mind is the reins and the senses are the horses. In this way, due to the association of mind and senses, this soul is the enjoyer of happiness or sorrow)
-Bhagwat Gita
Historical Fictionanyone can read it without worrying about anything. Geeta,, which I, myself am reading, i want to share the things which are in it.... i will also make an English version of it after it gets completed.