01: Game Night

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"Mikey why are we all being dragged along to this?" Baji moaned with his arms crossed behind his head

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"Mikey why are we all being dragged along to this?" Baji moaned with his arms crossed behind his head.
"Because we're meeting with someone who knows some intel on moebius and this was the designated place and time" the short blonde turned to his friend who was ambling a few steps behind.
"But surely you'd want to be inconspicuous right? Not drag us five along.."
Mitsuya grinned, "Inconspicuous, now that's a big word for you Baji, you sure you know what that means?"
Keisuke whipped his face round with fangs bared, "Ya damn right I know what it means, I won't be inconspicuous about beating you into the ground either"
A taller male with a large dragon tattoo on his scalp barged his way between the two sparring friends. "Enough. Idiots".

"Hmm. Yeah Baji's right Draken, I definitely didn't need you guys here"

They all abruptly stopped and chanted in unison "Wait, what?!"
Mikey giggled to himself, "Come on, it'll be fun! We can grab some food, watch the game. Me and Draken will sneak off when we need too"
The three trailing boys looked at eachother and shrugged, they knew there was no point arguing with him.
"We're here" the blonde clapped. An illuminated sign overhung the grounds.

Welcome to Chihaya Senior High School

"I could think of so many better things to be doing right now" Pah groaned whilst stuffing some chips into his open mouth.
"It's half time and they've not even scored!"
The group of boys sat slobbed over the stands eating food, having a few sneaky alcoholic drinks and generally being loud and obnoxious.
The school band feverishly played their instruments trying to drum up cheers to no avail. A loud crackle of a poorly wired speaker boomed an announcement.

"It's time for our half time show folks! Give a big cheer for your national champions, the Chihaya Cheer Squad!"

The crowd thunders with applause, multiple groups of people standing up to catch a glimpse of the team.
"Oh shit. I forgot she was cheerleading tonight" Mitsuya sighed, slumping back on the plastic seating.
Pah's eyes widened, "No way! Is your hot twin here with her squad tonight Mitsuya?" Your brother frowned and nodded, "Call my sister hot again and I'll beat you to a pulp... but yeah, she's here tonight". All the boys leaned dangerously far over the edge of the barrier to try and catch a glimpse except your brother and Baji. "Tch, cheerleaders. They are the worst type of people" Keisuke muttered under his breath so as to not provoke Takashi.

"There she is, hiiiiiii y/n" Mikey yelled out over the crowd waving like a child.

You jogged out from the tunnel under the stand, the fresh breeze hitting you immediately but you wouldn't let the weather phase you.
Your long violet locks cascaded down your back with two little space buns perfectly positioned on either side of your scalp. You sported the Chihaya squad uniform that consisted of a neat white crop top with the letters CHS embroided in navy, your bottom half was covered by a standard pleated cheer skirt that colour matched the top. Navy spankies barely covered your rear exposing ample amounts of flesh.
You flashed a quick smile to your brothers friend before focusing on the event.

"Ready Team! Let's hit it!"

Your squad of twenty girls and boys got into position before the music switched on and the routine began.
You'd spent so many hours dedicated to choreographing the steps, training and polishing each member - every performance had to be perfection. You were Head Cheerleader and you needed that cheer scholarship to get to college, it was the only way to support your family alongside Takashi.

You were a born performer, centre stage executing extremely difficult tumbles and making the crowd roar in applause.

You were a born performer, centre stage executing extremely difficult tumbles and making the crowd roar in applause

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Mikey rested his hand on his chin deep in thought actively observing you. It didn't go unnoticed by Draken who decided not to interrupt his friend.

You braced yourself for your final manouver. Leaping up you completed a cartwheel followed by several back handsprings and finishing with one of the male team launching you into a basket toss. The audience chanted your name in awe.
"Yesss! Come on Chihaya! Let's go!"

"Mitsuya, can I ask your sis.." Kazutora started. "Absolutely not!" Takashi grabbed the collar of his friends shirt. The duel haired teen laughed and waved his hands in submission, "ok ok, I won't!"
Baji hadn't even looked at you, your team or the routine. He had no time for popular brats like you - or so he thought...

Mikey and Draken had parted from their comrades shortly after the second half of the game started. Having most of the crowd busy watching the football allowed for them to meet with their informant in privacy.
They weaved their way in the shadows of the stands trying to find the person they were looking for when they heard a female voice.

"I've told you, I'm not interested Falco"
The two friends lean behind an ivory pillar and observe the interaction.
A large muscular male wearing a moebius uniform was dominently leaning over a female, both of his arms planted against the wall preventing her escape. A vein popped on Drakens head with concern, "Mikey that's y/n"
Mikey nodded and placed a finger over his lips showing he wanted to keep quiet.

"Does it look like I give a fuck if your interested little doll? I don't just go for any old girl, if I want one, I'm having them" a blob of drool trickled down the males chin as he eagerly eyed up the prize between his arms.

"Mikey! We should do something" Draken piped up once more. Mikey turned to his friend and shook his head, "let's just wait and see". Draken turned back to the scene, his face growing increasingly concerned.

The moebius delinquent aggressively grasped your chin, holding it in place only inches away from his lips.
"Give me a kiss pretty girl"

A flash of anger seared in your violet iris'. No one was going to be taking advantage of you.
"Unfortunately for you Falco, I don't kiss pigs"

As quick as a bullet you landed an uppercut to his chin sending him stumbling back a few feet. "You fucking bitch!" He roared, blood seeping from his mouth. He steamed after you and reached out to grasp a chunk of your lushious hair.
You swiftly swooped into the splits, planting your hands on the ground. Once balanced you swung your legs round into his ankles causing him to buckle and fly backwards, slamming into the ground.

You effortlessly kick up with your palms, landing on your feet and walk over to the now cowering boy. You stand over him intimidatingly and let a sultry threat escape your pink lips.

"I hope you learned your lesson today. Don't ever fucking touch me again"

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