04: Prove It

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"I'm confused Suya, why does your friend Mikey want to meet with me?"

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"I'm confused Suya, why does your friend Mikey want to meet with me?"

Merely hours after recieving your devistating letter, your twin had knocked on your bedroom door wanting to urgently speak to you.
You and him had completely separate social circles but were acquainted to eachothers friends on a first name say Hi to you if you walk past kinda basis.

"Look I can't explain, I'm not allowed"
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion looking at him shifting his weight awkwardly. "Not allowed? This isn't a Toman thing is it?"

You were well aware of Takashi's role within the Toman gang, they were notorious fighters and one of the toughest organisations in Tokyo.
Even though you knew of Mitsuya's part in the team, it was an unspoken topic amongst you both. The idea of your brother getting himself into serious danger made your stomach knot, but it brought some much needed money into the household so you couldn't argue it.

"Stop asking questions" he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration and threw a pair of your ripped jeans in your direction. "Just get dressed and meet me downstairs in 10"

It hadn't taken you long to get dressed, you weren't really sure what look you were supposed to be going for so you'd slung on the jeans your brother had so nicely thrown at you and matched it with a nirvana crop and plain black hoodie. Your hair wasn't as put together as you'd usually of liked considering Takashi was essentially pushing you out of the door in urgency, so you'd grabbed one of your wooly beanies and pulled it over your scalp.

 Your hair wasn't as put together as you'd usually of liked considering Takashi was essentially pushing you out of the door in urgency, so you'd grabbed one of your wooly beanies and pulled it over your scalp

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You'd been walking for about 15 minutes making small talk with your twin about Luna and Mana. It made you realise how distant you'd both become, you barely knew him anymore. The only time you conversed was about the girls or how you were going to help Mom with the finances. You used to be close, best friends even.

What happened to us?

You kept yourself quiet in thought, slowly getting familiar with your surroundings. "Are we going to the Shrine?"
Your brother nodded, "yeah.. hey y/n?"
You turned to face him, it was like staring in the mirror. "No matter what Mikey says, you have a choice"
Your eyes grew concerned at your brother's words, what did he mean by that? Just as you were about to ask.

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