02: Recruit

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Today was the day you'd been waiting an entire year for

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Today was the day you'd been waiting an entire year for.
The alarm on your phone vibrated against your wooden beside table until it fell on your floor which finally woke you from your slumber. You rubbed your eyes sleepily trying to adjust to the light.
"Shit! What day is it?"

Lurching down to your messy bedroom floor your hand fumbled through piles of discarded clothes until your fingers finally grasped the glass screen, gotcha!
Your fuzzy vision adjusts to the backlight as you desperately tried to decifier the date.. August 8th 2008

You lept up from under your thick blankets and scrambled out of your room. "Mommm! Has the post come yet?!"
Your feet hammered down the stairs as fast as they could carry you until you made it to the front door. A pile of letters messily covered the doormat, your violet eyes scowered them.

A sea of red, bold writing engolfed the majority of the envelopes.

Increased interest fees.
Debt collection.
Final warning.

Your stomach churned reading the warnings, you really needed good news right now.
Your eyes widen as they finally hone in on the letter they'd be looking for.

FAO: Mitsuya, Y/n
University of Tokyo

You took the letter back to your room and sat with it on your bed. Your fingers trembled with anxiety about the contents, procrastinating on whether to open it, this mail was make or break.
It would change the future fortune of your family, it was finally your turn to help.

You chewed your thumb nail down to the skin nervously trying to build up the courage to tear it open. Enough is enough. You ripped the corner of the envelope with your teeth and gingerly pull out the paper contents. Your lids automatically squint not wanting to look.

FAO Miss Mitsuya, Y/n

Thank you very much for your interest in the University of Tokyo. Your application for a cheerleading scholarship has been considered however the Japanese governing body has decided to pull cheerleading education funding for the foreseeable future. Due to this, we have to unfortunately decline your application at this time.

Please consider us if your circumstances change.

Yours sincerely,
Dean of UOT

Uncontrollable tears began to leak from your lids staining your crimson cheeks.
You worked so hard for this. All of those hours dedicated to your team to get this scholarship, to better your life and be able to provide for your mother and younger sisters.. it was all for nothing.

You screw the letter up, angrily throwing it into the trash before collapsing into your pillow to wollow in self pity.

All that saturated your mind was..
What the fuck do I do now

"Absolutely fucking not"
Mitsuya growled defensively at his two friends.

After that fateful night at the football game, Mikey had eventually shared his thoughts with Draken who heartedly agreed with his idea.
They'd summoned the five founding members of Toman to the Musashi Shrine to discuss the proposed solution to their current problem.

"Heh. I don't remember Mikey asking for your permission Takashi" Draken piped up from his seated position next to the head of the group.
"Woooaahh Mitsuya you need to chill man, this would solve our problem until Hakkai is back in action" Mikey grinned at his friend holding his palms up neutrally. "I'm all for it, means we get some eye candy for training and fights" Pah drooled slightly at the sexual thoughts filling his mind. "God damn Pah, talk about my sister like that one more time" your brother lept up, fully intending to lay one on his fellow captain.

Baji had been sitting back silently with a scowl on his face, desperately trying to withold the expletives that wanted to escape his lips. "Well Baji? Seems like everyone bar Mitsuya is in agreement about Y/n becoming Mitsuya's vice captain until Hakkai is healed up"

"It's fucking bullshit"
His crisp golden iris' glare up at Mikey and Draken. "This is Toman, we're the most feared gang of deliquents in Tokyo. We'll become the laughing stock of this city with some pathetic cheerleader as one of our vice captains"

Mikey frowned at his friend, "I think your severely underestimating her abilities Baji"
"Oh am I?!" He stood up with fangs bared, long black locks gently swaying in the breeze.
"She's got an award winning athletic record, extremely agile, proven leadership skills, she's shown that she can choreograph a team for 20+ people and she'll give us an edge"

Draken smirked and nodded in agreement. "The girls tough, I've seen it first hand"
Keisuke rolled his eyes at the pair, "and what 'edge' would she be giving us?
"That no one would be prepared for a female Toman member, like you said, it's unheard of"
Mikey laid himself down using Draken's lap as a pillow, "We can use her for under cover reconnaissance and the girls a born fighter, that's for sure" he yawned sleepily. Draken scowled at the smaller blonde and moved his leg causing Mikey's head to hit the ground. "Owh" he moaned, rubbing the pain point.

"Your not going to change my mind Mikey. The girl is a hindrance and I won't be working with her, end of"

The ebony haired male snarled before getting up and walking towards the exit.
"If that's all, I'll be heading home now"

"Well that's so funny Baji because if she accepts, she'll be training with your division... SURPRISE!"

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