05: Division One

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Baji couldn't comprehend what had just happened

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Baji couldn't comprehend what had just happened. One second he'd gained the upper hand and the next, he was on his ass straddled by a preppy cheerleader.
Externally his face was contorted with rage but internally he was minorly impressed, he'd never let you see that though.

"Y/n is that you!" A feminine voice wailed from the distance, gradually getting closer to your proximity.
Both of you tore your eyes from eachother to face the wider group.
A mixture of emotions stared back at you, ranging from laughter to pure shock. The owner of the squeal finally burst through the crowd, her blonde hair swishing as she jogged towards you.


You lept up off of Baji's lap and bounded over to the young teen embracing her in a warm hug. "It's been forever! How have you been?"
Mitsuya looked to Mikey and Draken in confusion as you and Emma openly caught up in the middle of a serious meeting. "Um, do they know eachother or something?"
Draken shrugged. "I assume so, Emma did used to be part of the cheerleading squad".

Who does this girl think she is.
The words plagued Keisuke's mind as he watched you acting completely blasè about the last five minutes, casually exchanging numbers with your old friend like you hadn't just pinned down the Captain of Division One.
He marched over to his friends and sat beside Mikey who had a smug smile curled on his lips. "Don't fucking say anything Mikey" he cut the blonde off.
"I'll train her, fine. But I'm doing things my way".

He continued to observe your actions through those liquid gold eyes. There was something different about you but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
Cheerleader but dressed grunge and could take down a strong male quite easily - who were you?
He tsk'd at his own thoughts before trying to emerge himself into the conversation with his friends. Who cares what she's like, she's a preppy cheerleader at heart, everything you despise. Toman doesn't need that in their ranks.

"God damn, this mascara is good"
You gently twisted the plastic wand through your lashes, coating them generously in the thick black liquid as you got ready for the evening.
It'd been a few days since you'd accepted your offer to join Toman and you hadn't heard much from anyone except for Emma. You two had been blowing up eachothers phones catching up and reminiscing about old times. It was reassuring to know you had someone besides Takashi for support.

Just as the thought entered your mind your phone buzzed against the side.

One New Message - Baji, Keisuke

Your mouth salivated slightly as your mind filled with images of him.
The guy was a total dick, you were sure on that, but he was beautiful.
You remembered how small you felt standing next to him, how broad his shoulders were as you had your hands pinned to the side of his head.
That silky ebony hair that tumbled down his back. Icy white teeth with those sharp intimidating canines.. getting a hickey from him sure would hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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