every step of the way (part 3)

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Keira Walshs POV:
Today was the day Lucy and I would be telling our parents they where going to become grandparents. We had invited them around for dinner, and its safe to say i was slightly nervous about the situation. I didnt think they'd react badly, but i mean who doesnt get nervous about telling their parents they are expecting a child? My mum would definitely cry, she cried when i told her about starting my period, as her 'baby' was officially growing up. Ive never really seen my dad cry, well now that im thinking about it i dont think ive ever seen him cry, so i didnt know what to expect from him. Growing up i was an only child, and i was so adamant that i would never have children as i was so desperate to make it in the football industry, but that was before i met Lucy. She had made me realise things about myself that i didnt even think of, but also made me view the world in a new, fresh perspective. There's noone else id rather do this with, it felt like i was living a fairytale.

Standing infront of the mirror turned sideways, I observed the slight bump that was growing on my lower stomach. My hand hesitantly rested over it, brushing it slightly. I let out a breath i didnt even realise i was holding, and move to put one of Lucys stolen hoodies on. Placing the clothing over my head and brushing myself down, I face forwards infront of the mirror and just stare at myself. My hands move underneath my jumper, well not mine but it had worn it enough times to earn some belonging over it, and again rest my hands over my swollen stomach. I couldn't quite believe there was another human being growing inside of me, who was half of me and half of Lucy. My mind was so focused on that thought that i didnt even realise Lucy had walked up behind me, her arms wrapping around me and resting ontop of mine snapped me out of my trance. 'You okay baby' she asks, kissing my exposed skin on my neck before resting her chin on my shoulder. 'Yeah im okay' i whisper, my eyes drawn to her hands on my torso. 'You seem a bit on edge, are you sure?' She reiterates, concern filling her voice ever so slightly. 'I just.. i just can't fathom how im going to grow a whole child. Its so bizzare.' I reply, my voice slightly shaky. 'I know, but it will all work out in the end. I know your a bit scared, which is completely understandable Kei, but just know your not in this alone, i will be here every step of the way, i mean it.' She says pressing soft pecks onto my shoulder. My eyes begin to fill up with tears, and one by one they fall. Why the hell was i crying? It was like a switch had just flipped inside of me. 'What is wrong with me and why cant i stop fucking crying.' I sniffle, using the sleeves of my jumper to wipe my eyes. 'Its just hormones my love.' Lucy slightly chuckles, turning me around to wipe my eyes for me. 'God and our parents will be here in a minute and i look a mess, what a great start to the evening-' i begin to ramble but im interrupted by the sound of Lucys voice. 'Stop stressing. You look beautiful Keira, you always do.' No. Dont cry again. Dont you dare cry again. 'Fuck sake dont start me off again.' I attempt to laugh, looking down to stop the tears from flowing. 'Oh god come here you goose.' Lucy chuckles, pulling me into her embrace. Being held in her arms felt like i was home, there was no place id rather be.

Around 20 minutes later, we hear the doorbell ring, so i move off the seat on the sofa and begin to walk over to the door, my heart rate slightly elevated. Compose yourself Keira, you where only letting them in the house. Opening the door i plaster a fake smile on my face, and are greeted by my parents as well as Lucys. Moving to the side to let them in, Lucy is soon in our presence, and is showered by hugs from our parents. She leads them out to the dining room, and shows them their seats. The evening is filled with laughter and food, and i know we have to tell them soon otherwise it would be too late. 'We actually have something to give you guys, as we dont get to see you as often as we'd like' i say, hinting for Lucy to grab the boxes with the baby grow labelled 'Baby Bronze-Walsh' inside. The boxes are placed infront of them, and they all look slightly terrified. 'Guys theres not a spider in there, dont look so confused.' I laugh, attempting to ease their tension. 'Gowan then, open them.' Lucy encourages, placing her hand on top of mine underneath the table. I grasp her hand out of anxiety, as i bite my lower lip watching them lift the lid off the box. My mums the first one to cry, as predicted. 'OH MY GOODNESS, OH MY. Girls i have no words.' My mum cries, a hand covering her mouth. Diane also begins crying, and gets up off her seat to come around and hug us. 'This is the most fantastic news, im so happy for you both.' She sobs as she embraces Lucy. Our Dads seem quite shell shocked, and im a bit unsure of what their feeling. Until i see a tear fall from my Dads eye, followed by a flood of them. 'My little girl...' he whispers, looking at me. Seeing him cry sets me off, and he comes around to give me a massive hug. 'Im so proud of the young woman you've become, you deserve this so much.' He whispers into my ears, causing me to cry even harder. 'Dad..' i reply, unable to finish my sentence. My mum soon joins in on the hug, and I can feel her tears on me as well. 'Who wouldve thought all them years ago we'd be here now' she reminisces, still utterly shocked. 'I know mum, i know' i say, moving to her embrace. I open my eyes and look at Lucy whos getting fussed over by her parents, and we lock eyes and smile at each other. This was perfect, I couldn't have asked for a better reaction. 'Wait so whose carrying our future granchild?' Diane asks, releasing Lucy from her hug. 'I am' i say, wiping my eyes for the billionth time that day. 'Oh thats wonderful Keira! Come here my lovely!' She says, moving to engulf me in a massive hug, who is followed by Lucys dad. My parents move over to congratulate Lucy, and my attention is brought back to Diane as she says 'I couldnt imagine a better partner for Lucy even if i tried. You make her so unbelievably happy Keira, thank you. And a massive congratulations my lovely, your going to make excellent parents.' Im quite taken back from her words, but in the best way possible. 'Thank you for letting me love your daughter. There aren't many parents as accepting as you.' I say, a smile on my face. She kisses my forehead as then goes and hugs my mum, the pair celebrating together. A lot more hugs and kisses where shared, until we said our goodbyes and Lucy and i where left alone once again. Closing the door after waving them off, i turn to face Lucy, who picks me up by my waist and allows me to wrap my arms around her neck. 'I love you so much' she says, mumbled against my shoulder. 'Lucy, its so much more than that.' I say, moving to rest our foreheads together. She replies by locking our lips together, and i happily deepen the kiss. In this moment in time, i dont think i could be happier. Life was just a dream, and it was only about to get better.

Authors note:
- part 3 as requested! more parts to come :)))) also wonze content from today healed my wounds from lauras post😭😭 however i have to say hate against laura and ona is absolutely not okay, at the end of the day these are real people and they have feelings, so please be respectful. lots of love xx

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