every step of the way (part 6)

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Lucy Bronzes POV:
Keira had reached the point in her pregnancy where she was no longer able to come with me to training, which did not make her happy. Her sickness had become slightly better, but she was still struggling whether she would admit it or not. It was hard to focus at training, knowing my girlfriend was sat at home uncomfortable and in pain, but i also knew it was my job and i needed to pull my shit together. Some things are just more important than football, and this was one of them.

I dont think ive ever left training quicker than today, all I wanted to do was care for Keira, who definitely did not want my sympathy, and do anything i could to make her feel better. Walking through the front door and into the living room, im met with the sight of my girlfriend fast asleep on the sofa, with our dog cuddled up into her, and a sick bowl on the floor. I didnt have the heart to wake her up, so i let her sleep, and sat on the end of the sofa by her feet, gently propping them onto my lap. She needed the rest after the endless nights of tossing and turning continuously, and the lack of energy she had from what was only meant to be 'morning sickness'. It was not nice seeing my partner in such discomfort, and in some ways i felt helpless. Realistically there really wasnt much i could do, apart from be there for her and try to make her life a little easier, even if she didn't want my help. Thats the type of person Keira Walsh was. Stubborn. I think she finds vulnerability slightly humiliating, even with me. I've noticed in our years together that she likes to stick with the crowd, unless shes with Georgia who's an absolute rocket, and never let anyone in unless she really knew she needed the help. I cant even remember the amount of times I've reassured her that she doesnt need to be embarrassed around me, yet she still is sometimes hesitant to talk to me. Shes gotten better over the years, but she still struggles.

After around 30 minutes, she begins to stir, causing Narla to wake up and jump onto my lap, giving me kisses. 'When did you get home?' She asks me, her groggy morning voice prominent. 'Around half an hour ago, i didnt want to wake you' i say, a small smile on my face. She returns the smile back, and attempts to sit up but struggles, her growing bump getting in the way. 'Want some help?' I ask, reaching out a hand. She sighs in defeat and accepts it, sitting up and leaning into my side. 'I hate this.' She whispers, getting choked up. 'Hate what baby?' I ask, my hand rubbing up and down her arm soothingly. 'Having to rely on everyone, I feel so stupid' she admits, her voice quieting down towards the end of her sentence, alerting me that shes crying. 'Dont cry, its okay. I dont mind helping you. In fact i want to help you. Your carrying our child Kei, ill never be able to repay you for that, so little things like helping you sit up do not bother me, and they never will.' I reassure her sympathetically, kissing her temple. 'I just want to be able to help myself, its so- humiliating not being able to do simple tasks. I feel like a child.' She continues, her body shaking ever so slightly. 'Its not humiliating at all, your growing a child Keira, a whole other life. Give yourself some credit.' I say, squeezing her arm and pulling her closer to me if it was even possible. 'Im not doing a great job at it though am i.' She mumbles, anger in her tone. 'Stop it. Ofcourse you are. Dont put yourself down.' I scold her, not approving her self degrading speech. 'Its the truth. Cant even eat properly, now shes not getting enough nutrients to help her growth. Thats no ones fault but mine.' She says, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her jumper. 'Its not your fault you get sick Keira, your doing the best you can and thats more than enough. Okay? More than enough.' She doesn't reply, she only cries harder. 'Its okay to ask for help, i couldn't ever begin to imagine the stress your under, i don't view you as weak because you need help sometimes. We all need help every now and again.' I continue to reassure her. Sometimes we just need help, and theres nothing wrong with that. I needed her to know that. 'Its still horrible.' She sniffs, not registering a word im saying. 'Keira your 36 weeks pregnant, as much as you hate it you can't do everything yourself.' This only causes her to cry harder, maybe i shouldve said that in a nicer tone.. 'Okay im sorry, i didnt mean to say it like that, i just care and worry about you Kei.' I whisper, pressing more light kisses to her temple. 'I know, im sorry for always crying, i dont know whats wrong with me.' She mumbles, pushing herself up to face me. My hands cup her face and wipe the tears that keep on flowing. 'Dont apologise, you've got nothing to be sorry for.' I say, giving her a reassuring smile. 'Apart from that is everything else okay? Your not in pain or anything?' I ask, just making sure shes good. 'Not really pain, just uncomfortable all the time. Id do anything for a full night of sleep.' She chuckles sadly, a fake smile plastered on her face. 'Why don't you go back to sleep baby?' I suggest, feeling bad for interrupting her sleep earlier. 'Its fine, ive got so many things to do anyways.' She replies, letting out a sigh. 'Like what?' I ask, confused at what she had to do. 'Make dinner, load the dishwasher, do the washing you know things like that.' Ummmmmmm no. No chance she was doing all that by herself. I let out a massive laugh, causing her to look at me confused. 'Whats so funny?' She asks, completely baffed. 'That you think im letting you do all that 8 months pregnant.' I say, stopping my fake laughter and looking at her with sincerity. She raises an eyebrow at me, not happy with my answer. 'Lucy' she says, throwing her bad frustratedly. 'Look, hear me out. Let me sort out the house chores, and why dont we order something in? We havent done that in a while.' I suggest, a cheeky smile appearing on my face. She sighs and then gives in. 'Fine BUT im paying. Im not completely useless.' She says, which i reluctantly agree too. 'I guess i can agree to that...' i say, earning a smile off Keira. 'Thank you, i love you.' She says, kissing my lips softly. Once we part, i give her a massive smile. 'I love you so much more.'

Authors note:
- excited for the next chapters 🤭🤭🤭🤭

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