Don't Make Her Get the Broom

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Amy knows what's happening when her sister announces that she's going on a run. A run to Atlanta, with a group. Amy and Michonne take turns doing solo runs so that one of them is always with the kids. Jim doesn't go farther than the highway with T-Dog and Shane. Only Glenn still goes into the city but that's because he knows it so well. So, when her sister decides she wants to do her part with Glenn, Merle, T-Dog, Hector, and Jaqui; Amy loses her patience, just a little.

"You don't even know how to use a gun!" The younger blonde had been dogging her sister's steps all morning. Coming out with small go bags for the entire run team. They were the drawstring backpacks with water, a little first aid, an MRE, a towel, an extra knife, and a multi tool. "Not that it will be much use in the city that's crawling with the dead!"

"I'm the older sister." Andrea squares off, taking the backpack with no reluctance. "I should have been out with you since the start!"

"But you weren't!" Amy throws her hands up in exasperation. "It's only getting worse out there! The dead are moving in big groups and don't even get me started on other survivors! Not to mention, everyone else that is going has never gone on a run before! Then, there's Merle!"

"I can handle Merle." The older woman says it with such conviction that her sister almost throws up in her mouth.

"You have the worst taste in men!"

"You ready?" Glenn walks up to them with an easy smile, his own drawstring backpack already on.

"Are you ready?" Amy questions, her eyes narrowed as she looks over everyone else crowded around Jim's truck. "Are you sure you want to bring them into the city? I haven't been there in a week but it looked pretty dangerous."

"Don't worry." Glenn tried to be reassuring and her sister had already stalked off to stand next to Merle. "We won't be going anywhere near downtown, just a big department store."

Michonne shared a look with Amy when the CB radio announced that someone was on their way to Atlanta. Shane was loudly bickering with Lori about putting up signs or all things. The young blonde could only look on in confusion. They didn't want to take in the kids but they wanted to direct strangers away from the city to their camp. When Lori looked to Amy of all people to back her up, the young blonde herded the children back to her bus.

"We can't have people running off." Shane said a few hours later when T-Dog informed them they were trapped.

"I understand that but we need to make a plan." Amy urged, looking around at all the campers who were averting their eyes. Except Michonne, that badass had her back.

"They volunteered to go." He said it like that was the end of the conversation.

"That's my sister, you son of a bitch!" She snarled, pointing a finger in his face just to make her point clear. "Come morning, I will be getting her and the others back then we are gone."

Shane decided to follow after a huffy Lori instead of Amy. Michonne already had a map of the city on the table when she got back to the RV, the children were all on the bed watching a movie. None of them seemed particularly put out by Andrea being trapped, not much fazed them anymore.

"Where do you want to go?" Michonne asked in a quiet undertone, opening up a notebook filled with the blonde's lists and ideas. What started as jotting down everything she remembered from zombie movies in her old life, turned into her own apocalypse journal. The older woman started one of her own, copying down useful facts and recipes found in the How-To book Amy found.

"Well, first I need to figure out what department store Glenn took them to. He only said that it wasn't downtown and with the weather, the signal is awful." Amy hummed, glancing at the lists with narrowed eyes. "I know I said I wanted to go to an island but there's no way we could keep everything going with just us."

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