Knock Knock

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The last two weeks had been lonely, however he understood it was the Lord's plan. He had tried, done everything in his own power to get Georgia the medicine she needed but in the end he was just a single man. There were no doctors, no nurses and even though he had prayed, he received no answers. Perhaps, it was because poor little Georgie had just not been meant to suffer this new harsh world.

"I don't feel so good, Uncle Charlie." She had lost her beautiful blonde curls after the first round of chemo two years ago. However, since he had smuggled her out of the hospital her skin had taken on a gray cast to it.

Chuck had joined his brother in reading everything they could when she was first diagnosed. They didn't have a lot of money but through the church, there were many survivors who were willing to speak to him. They were all very sympathetic and with them, they had gotten an appointment with one of the very best pediatric oncologists in the state. The diagnosis was still the same but the doctor had been much more compassionate in the face of Georgia's terrified family.

He went to all the appointments, introduced her to other survivors so that she was never alone or without hope, and had even moved in with his brother and sister in law to help out. The first round showed promise, not what the doctor was hoping for but the second round practically drained the life right from the child's eyes. His niece was a trooper though, cracking jokes even when she came down with an awful case of pneumonia and had to take a break from the treatment plan. Then the end of the world came.

"I don't know what you want from me, Christine!" His brother, Michael, was out in the front yard with his wife having a very familiar argument. Even though they stepped outside so that their child wouldn't overhear, it never helped. The walls were paper thin and every time either of them raised their voices, it wasn't hard to make assumptions.

"How about a gummy?" He knew his smile was strained and could tell by the doubtful look on her face, she knew it too. They weren't exactly legal before the end but he was so grateful for Sheila giving him a bag at the Fourth of July picnic.

"Okay. Hey Uncle Charlie?" Her dry, cracked lips spread into a shadow of her once brilliant smile that stopped him from opening the door. "Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Nobel who?"

"There's nobel, that's why I'm knocking." She laughed, bright and happy and it immediately melted away his nerves.

"That's a good one, we'll need to write that one down." He took a couple steps back to the bed and kissed her forehead, forcing a chuckle through his tight throat. "You just relax, I'll be right back. I love you."

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