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bella knew she wouldn't sleep well that night, and she had to school tomorrow

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bella knew she wouldn't sleep well that night, and she had to school tomorrow. "okay bella, i gotta go but i'll come over after school tomorrow okay?" jake made sure she ate all her food, let her change into pajamas, and tucked her into her bed himself. "can..can you stay?" jacob stopped, and paused. "i'll ask, but i can't guarantee anything mea mellilla*, okay?" she nodded, leaning back further into her bed.

jacob went down the stairs and saw charlie trying to configure the pizza box into the fridge. "hey! i don't know how you did it, but thank you." the eldest swan beamed at his best friends son. "it's no problem. i actually have a question. can..can i stay here tonight? she asked me to stay." charlie hesitated, and thought for a moment.

bella hadn't been able to sleep more than 3 hours a night beofre waking them both up screaming. he was worried that jacob wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. another part of him was worried about a boy, childhood friend or not, staying with his baby girl. "i'll call your dad and ask, but i'm fine with it." charlie stalked deeper into the kitchen to the wall phone.

charlie conversed with his friend for about five minutes before he hung up. he walked back over to jacob, who stood awkwardly in the doorway. "you can stay." breaking out into a big grin he ran upstairs back to bella.

she was laying down in her bed, staring at the door. he noticed that she seemed to light up when he walked back in. "i can stay tonight, amata*. i'll drive you to school tomorrow too, kay?" she nodded, watching as he walked to the right side of her bed. "is it okay if i take of my sweater?" she nodded blankly.

jacob pulled his sweater off and let it fall onto the floor before he pulled off his socks and slid into her bed. "what does it mean? the things you call me?" jacob floundered and said "nothing..just..nothing. i promise it's not bad, honey." bella seemed to accept that answer easily enough.

bella reached over and turned the lamp off, and they were consumed in darkness. jacob could hear crickets chirping from outside and bella's breathing. sleep didn't come easily to bella, despite jacobs warmth she still felt stuck in a block of ice.

eventually, the weight was heavy enough for her eyes and the nightmares came again, clawing and seething.

bella had been dreaming the same dream for weeks now. it was the same. over and over again.

it was her 18th birthday party, alice had given her a dress for her party that night. jasper used his gift on her, edward smirked and said "you can't trust vampires, trust me." and walked her to class. the day passed slowly, lessons dragging on into years and lunch was gone in a flash.

after school, edward drove her home and promised to come get her by sunset. he fulfilled his promise and they drove in silence.

bella admired him from the passenger seat of his luxurious car, and edward would occasionally look over at her and chuckle. she'd blush and look out the window for a moment and then look back at edward.

he was beautiful. his features were sharpe and angular, like an old painting. his eyes were sharp and moved slowly and with a certain amount of swagger she was sure she'd never have.

they arrived at the mansion they resided in, she could see rosalie glaring from the window already. she wished she knew why she hated her so much.

they walked in, and bella was blown away by the care they'd put into it, despite it being only them.

"bella, i don't want you."

jacob shot out of bed, her screams were loud and screechy. hastily, he pulled her into his arms and started trying to soothe her.

"Bella, mea mellilla, amata, it's okay. it's me. it's jacob. you're okay. you're okay." bella's screams tapered to whimpers that eventually woke her. charlie rushed in, but left grinning smugly when he saw jacob helping his daughter. he'd be sure to call billy when he was awake.

bella's eyes wandered up to his and they calmed greatly. "'re here." jacob felt her smaller hands gripped him tighter. "i'm here. i'm staying here. it's okay."

he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and let sleep lull them back to a state of peace.


mea mellilla roughly translates into 'my little honey'

amata roughly translates into 'beloved'

please excuse me if the translation is off, i'm trying to learn latin but it's very difficult:)

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