Kain Benedict

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Don't judge my fun vampire twist. Love you tho babies♥️🥹

Starving wouldn't be enough of the right word.

I didn't know this existed.

Every fiber of my being needed her and I was unsure why it was so intense.

I walked in my unnatural pace to my job, going inside and knocking on my bosses door.

"Come in."

I opened the door and he looked confused but after observation he hummed in understanding.

"I'm... new to certain feelings. I was a priest. I'm abstinent but what is this?" I pointed to my face.

"Your soul is starved." He said.

"The fuck is that? What the hell does that mean?" I thought this was some stupid bullshit.

"I'm assuming it's your fiancée you've spoken mildly about. I know your much older than me and I understand you pretty much locked yourself in your cathedral for three centuries as I researched." He sat back.

"Supernatural beings don't have assigned mates. We see someone, if they fall under what we crave then they become who you want for all of eternity. She is that for you, you're going to feel like this until whatever going on fixes itself. Typically this involves sex, I'm assuming that's what is going on, so until it happens, you're stuck."

"After that does it leave? I won't feel this again?"

"No. You'll feel it worse and more often. That's why we are so primal with our... animalistic instincts. So you feel this now, let's say you fix it, then after, you may be alright for a while but this is a starvation for a connection with the person you've aligned your being with." He stood.

"I-... she's human. I can't hurt her. I know this is unprofessional but you're older than most of these creatures and I don't know who to ask."

"You're fine, and you will hurt her. It's your nature. She's your prey. Until she is one of us, you feeling this way, if you do it while she's human, you will probably kill her." He nodded.

He walked behind me and opened the door where his wife stood.

"She was human when I met her. I know the feeling, Kain. Turn her first, or suffer for all of eternity." He greeted her with love and she gave me a kind smile.

"I'm sorry for interrupting." She answered.

"It's okay. Thank you. I'll be leaving. Enjoy your night." I left, raking through my options.

I understand what she wants.

But I need her for more than now.

I looked up places that do marriage documents near me.


I walked to wherever I had to and fortunately it was 24 hour since vampires also operated it.


"I need marriage forms. Perhaps ones where we both just sign and come back for the approval and it's done." I urged.


"How old are you?" I asked.

"89." He answered, in the body of a 32 year old perhaps.

"Great, I'm 317 years old. I'll eat you alive if I fucking have to. I need these papers and don't tell me no because I'm starving and I bet my fiancée would love a piece when she's changed." I snarled.

He blinked, dazed.


"Kain Benedict."


"Elira Abbot."

"Taking your name?"

"Of course."


"I was born sometime in 1706, hers is September 16, 2003. Turned 20, 3 months ago."

"Is she consenting?"

"Yes. Fucktard." I scoffed.

"Bring these in tomorrow, I'll make that license, bring her in as well."

"Done." I took the papers.


"Where have you been?" She asked, lying in our bed.

"Sign these." Her smell burned my body. Not just my throat.

I felt like I was being burned alive, this was hotter than the fire I would've died in in 1735.

"What is it?" She looked worried.

"Married. We sign. Go in tomorrow and they make the license. Then we are married. Then I change you, we have a wedding, and I don't feel like killing you because I want you." I nodded.

"What? Take a breath, what is happening with you?" She asked, concerned.

I did. Three hard breaths.

"Okay. I talked to a... friend. I will kill you if we have sex while your human. I-I am craving you more than I've ever needed anything in my life, Elira. I need you in every way you could imagine-"

"We talked about how I'd have your venom-"

"I will kill you before we get to the good part. I already know that. I need you to be indestructible for me. This won't go away until my soul or whatever gets what it wants and I fucking need you." I was vibrating, every fiber of my being aware of her, her heartbeat, her blood flow, her skin, her lips, her pussy.

And she smelt so fucking good. My mouth was watering with acid.

"Okay." She signed it.

"I have to bring you in tomorrow, then I'll let you chose whenever anything happens but I have to be separate from you because I feel like I'm on fire." I said and she nodded.

"And this won't go away until you get what you want?" She asked.

"No. I guess not."

I reached, cupping her face, my hand burning more than my body, this pain unbearable.

"You're shaking."

"I'm sorry, my angel. I don't mean to sound insane. I don't know what's going on. I can't risk hurting you." I whispered.

"We'll get it figured out." She smiled, placing her hand over mine and I tried not removing myself from her but I was hurting so much.

So I endured it.

"I don't want to force you into anything. But I don't want to leave you alone to question anything either."

"I don't feel forced. I feel pressured but I want this, if I can make it easier for you I will." She nodded.

"Thank you, my love. I'll sign these, but I'll be in the basement, we will leave in the morning, maybe this'll lessen by then." I felt sad, leaving her to sleep alone.

"I was about to say sleep good." She laughed.

"I hope you do." I kissed her forehead, acid flowing from my mouth, my cock pulsating, my body tense and burned.

I'm sorry.

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