Tragedy: part 2

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It has been a few weeks, Caden still have the immense feelings for her. If he could stop thinking about her for a few minutes, it would've helped. Final exams are coming up and he couldn't fail that miserably. What would his parents think? They would ask him all kinds of questions... "What's distracting you?" "Have you not been studying these days?" "Is something bothering you at school lately?" Caden couldn't bear to hear them ask him those.

He needs to stop thinking too much about her. Is there any other method that he could do to make it stop? He couldn't think of other ways other than... confession. It should be fine right? After all, they did had fun together. He's always nice towards her, there's no way she would hold a grudge against him. He even lend her his jacket to keep her warm, he did all the nicest things to her. Caden tried to be positive. He thought that maybe confessing to her would be able to help him through this.

"I'm sorry." Huh? Did he heard that right. Surely he did not get rejected did he? "I never liked you, I have always see you as a good friend of mine." She continued. Huh? Is she serious? This can't be.. Caden is in denial, although he couldn't force her to like him. Even tho it's hard to let the rejection go, he accepted it anyway. "I-it's alright, I understand.." He muttered. He tried to blink the tears away. Lucy saw how sorrowful he looked and tried her best to comfort him.

"We're still gonna be friends, Caden. It's better than nothing right?" Lucy tried to help Caden look on the bright side. Caden thought for a moment, maybe.. it isn't that bad. Caden smiled through the pain, "I guess s-so?" He sniffled in between his tears. Lucy let go of both of his hands and wishes him the best, hoping he would find someone else that's better than her.

After the rejection, it didn't helped with anything. Caden still feel like shit, even on the good days and the bad days. Oh wait, everything is a bad day to him. He couldn't even bare to see her face anymore but atleast... she didn't try to talk to him after that. He thought that it'd be better that way. Caden rest his head on his table, he can hear the loud chattering behind the class, couldn't sleep if the class is so loud. If he could tell them to shut up, he would but he can't. He doesn't want his classmates to think he's that kind of a person.

He sigh from frustration and just try to sleep through it anyway. "Caden?" He heard a male voice and looked up from his sleeping position. Look, it's another of his classmate that he have never talked to before, wonder what he wants from him. "Is there something you need?" The classmate looked like he got forced to do this, "Have you been sexually harassing Lucy?" . . .

What? Why does he have to say it out loud. Whispers filled the classroom and Caden looked confuse. "W-what are you talking about?" He nervously chuckled at the question. Surely there has been some kind of mistake. Then he heard one of the girls sobbing behind the classroom, he looked back and saw Lucy.. crying? "Why are you lying?! You know what you did to me at the mall!" She accused him.

The tension in the classroom only rised up. Caden didn't know what to say, it's clear that he's being accused but.. why couldn't he say anything? "What's wrong? Scared that your intentions with Lucy just got revealed?" Lucy's friend added. "W-what?! You all have gotten this so wrong! I-i didn't do anything to her!" He tried to defend himself, it is no use. Everybody seem to be on Lucy's side. "Bitch." One of Lucy's friend threw a punch at Caden, making him fall on the ground with great impact.

Almost everybody gasps at the scene, Caden touched his cheek carefully and it stings real bad. He felt great fear at that moment, everything's spinning, he felt like he wanted to puke, this is all just too much at once. "Is he okay?" "Should we call the teacher?" "What's happening?" "Did he really harrassed Lucy?" "What a freak!" "He deserved it." That's not true! What they're saying is not true! Lucy doesn't have proof that I harrassed her, why did they believed her?!

A mixed of emotions rised up in Caden, hatred, betrayal, sadness, confusion all at once. The teacher calmly walked in the class when he noticed the commotion, "What the-! Hey! What's going on here!" He interrupted before picking Caden up on the ground, "Now which one of you guys did this to him!" Nobody admitted their work. The teacher gave Caden the permission to go to the nurse's office to get the bruise patch and also let him go back home early today.

The nurse quickly called his family about the situation, his parents came to school in a panic after hearing it from the nurse. He was bombarded with questions threw by his parents, he didn't answer none of them. He was in too much of a shock. The parents decided to bring him home as quick as possible to let him rest. He isolated himself in his bedroom the whole day, and the day after, and the day after that. He didn't came to school for weeks, his parents grew more worried for his health.

Caden didn't open up about his problems to his parents. When his parents decided to make him go to school again, he begged for his life. He didn't want to go back, he was sure that the rumours of him being a disgusted pervert is already going around school. Nonetheless, the parents let him go to school anyway. They told him, "If things didn't go well today, we'll switch your schools." Even if they gave him that offer, he just wishes he wouldn't want to go either way.

He sat in his seat, he can feel many eyes is on him. He can already hear the whispers about him. His eyes shows nothing but empty void, he doesn't know what to feel. It's fine, he told himself. Keep ignoring those idiots, they don't know the real story behind everything. Lucy is a fucking liar. All of his feelings dissipate after she lied to them in front of his face. How could she? He didn't do anything horrible did he? He did everything to make her satisfied. Guess she's ungrateful.

He expected the day to be horrible and it did turned out terribly wrong like he expected. During PE, since they're playing volleyball. One of the classmate would unintentionally throw the ball at the back of his head. It hurted really bad that he wish he could strangle them to death. "Hey! Kindly give us back the ball would ya?" They said in a very... annoyingly mocking way. He tried to suppress his anger and gave back the ball to them. They snickered.

Caden rolled his eyes and sat on the bench, he watches them play in silent. The coach sat silently beside him, the coach knows something is going on between him and his classmates but decided not to get involved in his problems. The coach thinks that it's better to not let him play with his classmates if he doesn't want to. Sometimes forcing people to play sport isn't a good idea, especially if they have bad history with the other classmates. He didn't want to make their situation worse.

Since the day he came back to school actually went kinda well? The parents let him continue on his school days but not everyday is gonna be the same. Each day that passes by, the bullying will return back to normal hence why he's getting more and more bruises each day. The parents noticed it before it's getting worse and decided to inform the principal that they'll be enrolling Caden to a different school.

The principal agreed on that idea, as he have heard that Caden have a really bad relationship with his classmates. Though he doesn't know how it has come to that. The parents sigh, they don't know how to deal with this if Caden just told them what had happened. But they guess that he doesn't want to talk about it, might've been a sensitive topic towards him. So they enrolled him to a different school where the students in that school, knows nothing about him.



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