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In the morning, he woke up to the sunlight that's seeping through his window curtains. He can hear birds chirping just outside of the window. It appears that they're no longer cuddling, Caden looked beside him and Malechi is still sound asleep. But he looks more restless than before.

He checked his forehead and he got a fever. He can't be too surprised since he stood out in the rain for so long. Caden woke up first and does his routine. He searches in his cabinet for some medicines that could help with Malechi's fever. He did found a few cold fever patches, but he have to go out to buy medicine. He bring one cold patch and went upstairs. Malechi slowly wanting to rise himself up but Caden push him back down on the bed. "Don't move, you have a fever." He said.

"You don't have to push me that hard." Malechi groaned. He apologized and put a cold patch on his forehead. He was gonna leave but Malechi took a hold of his arm. Malechi whined about how he doesn't want Caden to leave, he have no choice but to stay for a while and then he's going to buy the medicine. It's still early in the morning anyway. Caden sat on the floor while Malechi hold his hand and plays with it.

He watches every Malechi's move. Malechi kissed the back of the hand with deep affection. That surprises Caden, he felt his face flush a bit. Malechi finally let go of his hand to set him free. Malechi did not say anything about the hand kiss. He wonder what that was all about. He can still feel the kiss that's lingering on his hand. He change into a new set of clothes to get ready. He grabbed his wallet and left in a hurry. He doesn't want Malechi to die from fever now does he?

He speed-walked to the nearest infirmary and asked if there's a medicine for fever. He knows there is but after losing half of his energy to walk here, he can't bare to stand and look at every isle for a fever medicine. The cashier picked their most recommended fever medicine to Caden and he accepted to bought it without a second thought. Another guy appeared beside him, asked the cashier if they sell what he needed here.

That voice... sounds familiar. The cashier slide the plastic of medicine to Caden while he gave the money to them. For some reason, he doesn't feel like looking at the person beside him. He wonders why, he felt unsafe. When he got his change back, he picked up the plastic and looked at the stranger. That was not a complete stranger at all. Why is he here? He didn't think of not trying to make it obvious, he just ran out of there like he's getting chased by a vicious dog.

Noah was about to say something to him but because he left in an urgent, he didn't get to say what he wanted to. "Here's the medicines that you need, sir." The cashier's voice ring into his mind and he looked back at them. "Thank you."

Caden have made it to his destination. He stopped to catch his breath. What the fuck? Why is he there?! He felt like he could passed out an any moment. Seeing him trigger something in his mind and he doesn't want to go back again. He stepped a foot in his house and closed the door. He fall to the floor in disbelief while still gasping for air. He calmed himself down for a bit, he probably looks like a crazy person right now. He picked up the medicine and walked upstairs.

He opened the door, looking messy than before. Strands of hair is flying out and he looks distressed. Malechi squinted his eyes, as if he doesn't believe what he's seeing because Caden looked clean earlier, what even happened out there? Malechi was about to opened his mouth but he interrupted him. "I know what you're trying to say, I'm fine." He said almost immediately. That didn't convinced Malechi enough to know that he's fine.

Caden sat down on the edge of the bed, he checked the medicine prescription to see how much dosage needed to be drink by a person. Well it's only one. Caden filled the small cup that's already provided with the medicine and handed it to Malechi to drink it. He drank everything in one go and gave it back. Caden quickly went back to the kitchen to get a glass of water before returning to the bedroom. Again, Malechi drank it all in one go.

For 2 days, Malechi is taken care under Caden's supervision. During those 2 days, Julieta and Aubrey even take their time to visit them and do something to cheer up Malechi. Malechi felt even better than before thanks to Caden's care. "Here, I washed your school clothes." He gave a bag to him, he took it in his possession and looked insides. His school uniform is dry and smells nice. "Thanks and uh.. is it really okay for me to have your clothes?" He points at what he was wearing.

"Yeah, you can have them." Caden said with a crossed arms. Malechi couldn't believe it. Before he leave, Caden remembered something. "Wait!" He quickly run to his refrigerator and took out a box. "This is for you." He said. He didn't mention what was inside but Malechi is grateful for it, a small blush appeared on his face. "Thank you." He said it sincerely. He put on his shoes, he didn't want to leave yet but he had to. Opening the front door and taking one last glance at Caden, he left.

Once he reached home, he got a phone notification from a group chat. He looked at the messages.

Have you healed, Mal? ^^

Yeah, I feel better.

Good to know!! I was wondering if we could plan a hangout for our upcoming holidays!

Sure, it has quite a long time since we went out with each other. I think it'll be pretty fun!


I heard there's a new ride at Funtime Amusement Park, and I wanted to go on it together. What do you guys think? Each of us pay our own tickets.

I'm down.

Sure! I haven't been to rides for such a long time.


Malechi smiled at the texts. He got another thing to look forward to now. Now he wishes the holidays would come faster.

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