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Never show the world how cold you feel , no matter even if you are freezing to death. The world will burn you down in the name of 'shielding' from the cold.

      ~Reyansh bhanushali


World is too cruel for people like me. For surviving here you need to be either loaded with money or loaded with beauty and a warm embrace of baba.

~Siya bhanushali


People say money can't buy happiness. Dumb, right. Man, you just don't have enough money to buy happiness.

~Avyansh bhanushali


Trust me, I'm worse than you imagined. Men always get on their knees for me and you are no exception.

~Myra bhanushali


Most powerful weapon in the world is love, it either makes you win your war or lose it.

~Sunansh bhanushali


Fuck off, end of discussion.

~Sania bhanushali


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