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chapter 30

Sania, woke up with dark circles circling around her eyes due to her sleepless night and the reason ?


You guessed it wrong.

The reason for her sleepless night is not sunansh but her exams.

She did not perform well on the last exam because of overthinking and the guilt of screwing the previous exam didn't let her sleep until she was well prepared for the upcoming exam.

Scratching her head, she descended the stairs while yawning.

"Mummyy!! Nashta"
(Mom breakfast)

She screamed, jumping on the sofa taking the remote from the table and switching on the television.

Lying on the sofa while keeping one leg on the headrest and other on the ground, she hummed along with the song.

"Good morning gokuldham~~~" mimicking the voice she sat straight when her mother bought two plates along with her.

keeping the plates on the table, her mother walked away without saying anything?

Without saying anything??

Sania found it suspicious but ignored it after finding the plate filled with Matar paneer, her favourite dish.

Grabbing the plate she stuffed her mouth with chapati and matar Paneer, savouring the delicious food.

As she was about to take the second morsel, a click sound made her moments halt. Slowly tilting her head she found her husband sitting on the couch, waving at her while holding the phone in the other hand.

"What a sight darling" she sat stiffly staring at him with wide eyes.

"1:23, what a perfect time to have breakfast," he commented, clapping his hands.

Sania slowly moved her face towards the mirror in the corner observing herself in it. Messy hairs, wrinkled clothes which don't go well with each other, the way she climbed down the stairs while scratching her head, the way she sat and behaved, everything was playing in her mind in slow speed making her close her eyes in embarrassment and run to her room while holding the plate.

"Darling~~" sunansh called out, while laughing at her reaction.

'she looks so cute while eating'

Upon reaching her room she slammed the door shut as she closed her eyes and calmed the racing heart.

Taking fast steps near the mirror, her eyes landed on the reflection making her close the eyes instantly.

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