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Natasha: Hey, you guys wanna go get some D E S S E R T?

Wanda: Yeah, I need me a T R E A T.

Yelena: What you guys talking about?

Ashley: Yeah, why did you guys' just spell desser...

Natasha: No, no. Shut up.

Wanda: Shhh, don't say it.

Ashley: Uh, why?

Wanda: Oh god...How do we tell you this?

Natasha: Yelena...can't spell.

Ashley: ...WHAT!

Natasha: Can't spell. So, when we talk about something she wants, we spell it out loud, so she doesn't get too excited.

Ashley: She's a grown woman. She can't handle hearing the word treat?

Yelena: Treat?

Natasha: NO TREAT!

Yelena: Treat?

Natasha: NO TREAT!

Yelena: Treat?

Natasha: NO TREAT!

Yelena: Awww

Ashley: Okay...what is happening?

Wanda: We told you. She gets excited when she hears the word T R E A T.

Yelena: What ya talking about?

Natasha: Taxes.

Yelena: Awww, sucks.

Ashley: So what, so you guys just treat her like a toddler?

Yelena: Treat?

Wanda: NO TREAT!

Yelena: Treat?

Wanda: NO TREAT!

Yelena: Treat?

Wanda: NO TREAT!

Yelena: Awwwwww

Natasha: Ash, you gotta spell if you're talking about F O O D.

Ashley: Okay, so. Are we getting an S N A C K?

Yelena: Snack!

Ashley: Awe, come on!

Wanda: Ash, really!

Natasha: Awe man!

Ashley: Oh come on! I spelled it!

Wanda: Well, she knows how to spell snack.

Ashley: So, she can spell snack, but she can't spell treat?!

Yelena: Treat?

Ashley: NO TREAT!

Yelena: Treat?

Ashley: NO TREAT!

Yelena: Treat?

Ashley: NO TREAT!

Yelena: GOD DAMIT!

Natasha: Okay, she's getting fussy. It's time for an N A P.

Yelena: Yay!

Ashley: What does N A P spell?

Yelena: Party.


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Have fun reading!

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