I am not an easy woman to love.

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─────────────────────────────────"I ALMOST GAVE A FUCK

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"I ALMOST GAVE A FUCK." - The Walking Dead, Season One ━━ Season ??.

RICK : Don't you get it, Melody? What we're doing is wrong!

MELODY : Then why do you keep coming back?

     THE DEAD ARE NOW WALKING ── no need to gear up for war, it's already here and it won't stop until everyone is gone! Melody Dixon had learned this the hard way; mother dying right in front of her, uncle getting left behind, friends leaving and dying, getting separated from her father, honestly the list could go on and on.

As much as Melody would love to stick to her girly ways and wear the tightest of clothing, it wasn't really practical in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. She kept some parts of her old life in her clothing, wearing her signature silver bracelet that her uncle had gotten her for her tenth birthday ── a massive shocker!

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