•Pity Party for 1•

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[I don't know billies real birthday but I looked it up and goats are born to July to the end of January so I guess late spring/fall? If someone finds out her birthday let me know plz]

<it was a very exciting day it was the young goat's birthday she'll be turning 15 today but some stuff may go down...>

Belle: Good morning sweetheart I'll try to be home to celebrate with you have a good day the bus should pick you up in a hour be safe!
Billie: Wait!! Mom!
Belle: Yes hun what is it make it fast please.
Billie: could I invite Lily and Lou? PLEASEEE??
Belle: of course just don't make a mess if you do clean it up ok?
Billie: Got it bye love you
Belle: love you to bye!

Billie: welp I'm already dressed and ready for school what should I do now? Mom did say the house was a mess I'll do the dishes for a minute
*Billie does the dishes for 12 minutes and finished she decided to clean the floors and windows after a while Billie put the cleaning supplies away and had to wait 24 minutes for the bus.......19 minutes pass and the bus arrived 5 minutes early*

Billie: Hey guys!
*billie said while sitting next to Lily and Lou*
Lou: Hey Billie! happy birthday!
Lily: good morning! and happy birthday!
Billie: thank you guys, I was wondering if you could come over to celebrate with me I'm not sure if my mom will be there because of her new stupid job
*Billie sighed*
Lou: Don't be sad! It's your day today!
Lily: yea! I'll see if I can come over if I'm not to busy!
Lou: same!
Billie: Thanks you guys
*Billie smiled happily*

*2 minutes later they arrived at school Billie got threw the day as well as her friends and they all got on the bus to go home. Billie talked about if they could come over they said there'll check with there parents and they'll send a letter threw the mail (The mail would at least take 5 minutes to arrive)*
Billie: Bye you guys!
Lou & Lily: Bye!!
*Billie walked threw the door and met eyes with Oscar*
Billie: Hey buddy did ya miss me?
*Oscar Yipped for joy as he flew around happily*
Billie:Hm? What's this?
*Billie picked up a letter that said "To: Billie from: Mom"*

*The note read: "I'm very sorry sweetheart I won't be able to make it but I bought you your favorite cupcakes for you and your friends there should be 12 cupcakes make sure to share! Also your gift should be on the couch. I love you very much!
Much love, Mom."*
Billie: Well I was guessing that would have happened...but that's ok Lou and Lily will come!...I..hope..B-BUT! That's ok because at least I have you Oscar!
*Oscar yipped with excitement as he flew happily into Billie's Arms*
Billie:silly little fox
*Knock knock*
*it must be the mail! Billie opened the door and went to her mail box and took the mail from Lou and Lily and went back inside*

*Bille read lily's note first: "I'm very very VERY sorry Billie but I won't be able to come! I have to go to some family reunion I'm very sorry I hope you'll have a good birthday!,
Regards, Lily."*
Billie: Hm..that's o-ok I'm sure Lou is coming...!
*Billie read Lou's card and it said: "My best friend billie, I'm very sorry but I can't make it to your birthday! I have to help my mother with her work and it will take a long while I'm very sorry have a good birthday,
From your friend, Lou"*

*Billie started to tear up*
Billie: It feels like no one cares for me...
*Billie pauses for a second and remembers she has a present from her mother*
Billie:I wonder what she got me!
*Billie opened the present to see a book? Billie opened it and it talked about plants and magic. And on the cover of the book it had her fathers Name on it as well as someone else's name on it it said "Arthur & Aristotle"*
Billie: Who's Aristotle? Did Dad know him? Well...i don't know when I'll need this but, ill keep it! But now back to my birthday...you know what...I think I might just run away...but how will I get past the walls...hmmm..I'll go at night!

*Oscar whined with disagreement and yipped at Billie*
Billie: Sorry buddy...but I'm going do you want to come..?
*Oscar thought for a moment and gave up and decided to go with her*

<Time skip it's currently 11:32 PM>

*It was dark out and Billie decided to take action she got a backpack and put her fathers book, some food for Oscar and her, and some bottled water and she went off she didn't know how to get over the walls but she remembered construction was going on one of the border walls so she decided to climb the construction scaffolding to get over the wall she then realized how far down it will be but she had and idea*
Billie: Oscar can you carry the bag down next to that tree I'll jump into the water

*Oscar took the back and waited by the oak tree while Billie took a breather and jumped the water was deep but when she got out she accidentally tripped over a rock and tumbled on more bigger rocks she accidentally cut her ankle on a sharp rocks her ankle was bleeding but it was a small cut. Billie's ankle was hurt from tumbling on rocks though she sprayed her ankle badly. She began to walk over to the oak tree and took the bag and got a towel for her ankle*

Billie: OW Damn it! Maybe this was a bad idea...but it's to late to go back cmon Oscar let's go
*Billie tied the towel around her ankle and began to go through the forest she came across a weird stone that seemed to have some message. Billie read it out loud*
Billie: "Where the moon meets the ocean view, you will here a soft tune, you will soon see it's by past noon, follow the Tomb" huh odd kinda creepy-
*Billie said while touching the stone. Just the the stone and Billie's hands began to glow*
?¿?: It will be fine...I won't hurt you..

<WORD COUNT: 1112>

I got tired I promise I'll get more down very soon! -Violet

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