•A Play For Success?•

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[Btw here's some calming forest music to listen to while your reading, love you guys. also I'm sorry this took a while I had a big lack of motivation, and I was getting caught up with school hope you enjoy this chapter❤️❤️]

<It was early in the morning, around 5:33 in the morning to be exact, Oscar eventually woke up from the birds chirping and the sound of the trees shaking from the wind, he got up and started to wake up Billie by barking>

Billie: Ughh...I'm still tired Oscar...go back to bed..
*Oscar kept barking and nudging at Billie's arm
Trying to get Billie up for the day*
Billie:Ughh...ok..ok I'm up...*Billie said half asleep while sitting up and stretching, Billie's fur was all frizzy and messy she quickly brushed it out with her hooves, Oscar kept yipping and barking at Billie trying to wake her up more for a walk, Billie yawned and stretched again while she stood up and crouched down to pet Oscar*
Billie: Good morning Oscar..*Billie said with a tired voice*

Billie: I almost forgot I'm in the forest..
*Billie looked around and stood back up trying to wake up for the day until Billie realized something*
Billie: W-wait..what is Lily and Lou gonna think of me not being there..? Wait what about mom!? She doesn't know I'm gone does she!? And she's alone!
*Billie looked devastated as she closed and rubbed her eyes trying to not cry*
Billie: Mom is alone..what...what have I done!?....
*Billie tried taking deep breaths to calm her self down, Oscar started rubbing against Billie's legs trying to help her calm down*

*Billie hugged her self as she noticed a blue aura around her coming from her bell around her neck*
*Billie closed her eyes and took a deep breath calming herself down and as soon as she opened her eyes the blue aura was gone*
Billie: What the hell was that!?
*Billie looked at Oscar and tilted her head*
Billie: you know what..? Let's go on a walk..
*Billie noticed the flower crown and staff and picked both up, Billie put the flower crown on her head and held the staff tight and looked at her backpack and put it on her back*

Billie: Cmon Oscar let's go explore maybe we can make some land marks!
*Oscar started Yipping for joy as his tail wagged*
*Billie picked up a random stick and put it in the middle of the path the leads out of the FlowerGrove*
Billie: There now if we see the stick We'll now that FlowerGrove or whatever it's called..Is right here! Cmon Oscar let's go find that stone that Lapine was at!
*Billie was walking down the path for a minute or two before coming across the stone*

Billie: Soo... do I have to read the weird chant again?
*Billie gently knocked on the stone*
Billie: Helloooo??..Lapine? Can you hear me?
*Billie stopped for a moment and looked at Oscar, Oscar was rubbing against the stone while barking at it, Billie looked back at the stone and sighed*
Billie: Guess I have to say the chant...ughhh..
*Billie took a deep breath and touched the stone*
Billie: "Where the moon meets the ocean view, you will here a soft tune, you will soon see it's by past noon, follow the Tomb" There now Lapine you gonna come out now?

*The stone glowed as it did the last time, and Lapine was behind Billie and Oscar*
Lapine: good morning Billie, Oscar, ..I see you're up early..
Lapine: Yea, yea whatever, I do what I want, anyway what do you need?
Billie: Well..I was thinking of making land marks or signs but I don't know how to make them is there a town or something that's close by that could have those things?
*Lapine tilted her head*
Lapine: Well there is a town your father, Arthur, has been wanted there..but it's kinda far..
Billie: What do you mean by "Wanted"
*Billie asked looking a bit concerned*

Lapine: As in he's been on wanted posters...everywhere..but that was when you were still young.
Billie: okayy but...what's the name of the town?
Lapine: Claw Bay, I can give you directions from your bell it will lead your way.
Billie: Okay! I'm ready!
*Billie seemed very excited as her tail swayed back and forth happily*

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