Shadows of the Past

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SMG3 was walking by a lake. He really wanted to admit his love for SMG4, but he couldn't figure out how. And, of course, there was also the voice in the back of his mind telling him that SMG4 was still his worst enemy. He stopped to look at his reflection in the lake. Was this right? Should he have ever become friends with SMG4 in the first place?

He stared at his reflection. Was this who he was meant to be? He was questioning everything whilst peering deeply into the wine-red eyes reflected in the smooth waters. He came closer, then touched the water. It softly rippled outwards from where his finger touched the surface, creating even, round waves.

He pulled back and sighed. Maybe this wasn't who he was supposed to be at all.

Suddenly, he heard a bang.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" cried a voice. An accented voice. SMG4's voice. It alerted SMG3, who very quickly followed the crashes and bangs.

"Something I should've already done," replied a familiar voice. An uncannily familiar voice. SMG3 finally caught up to the sounds, and he saw SMG4 being assaulted by... himself? It wasn't his current self, but rather his past self. He didn't know just how far back it was from, but it was definitely from before the lawsuit, and possibly even from before he met SMG1 and SMG2.

"It doesn't have to end like this, SMG3!... Or... Whoever you are!" SMG4 responded, equally as confused as the man in purple.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" SMG3 shouted, causing the fighting to stop. Past SMG3 looked Present SMG3 in the eyes, knowing full well who he was.

"Idiot. This is what you want," Past SMG3 replied. "You want to get rid of SMG4, so that you can finally be better, once and for all." He proceeded to try to kill SMG4 with a bazooka. "Is it not?"

Present SMG3 stood frozen, watching the terrifying scene in front of him. After a while, Past SMG3 had managed to pin SMG4 against a wall while holding a knife threateningly. This was when Present SMG3 finally spoke. "No."


"This isn't what I want." All eyes were on him now. Past SMG3 glared at him with his icy blue gaze.

"What makes you so sure, SMG3? What makes you so sure that you have changed? Are you sure you don't want to kill SMG4?"

"I'm sure. I've changed. I know it. I'm different to you." Past SMG3 let SMG4 go, then turned to Present SMG3 with the knife.

"Have you? Or are you just telling yourself that? You're still evil. You hate SMG4-"

"No. I don't."

Past SMG3 chuckled. "Wow, you seem pretty sure. But what is convincing you?"

"I don't hate him," he repeated. By now, Past SMG3 was now threatening Present SMG3 with the knife.

"Oh? Spicy opinion, SMG3. That's a spicy opinion."

"I. Don't. Hate. Him."

"THEN WHAT? IF YOU DON'T HATE HIM, THEN WHAT?" SMG3's past self was now shouting. SMG4 could've run away, but for some reason he felt compelled to stay.




SMG3 turned red. Past SMG3 was shaking. "What... what did you say?"

"I said, I love him! I don't hate him to hell and back, I love him!" Past SMG3 was shaking even more.


"You already heard me. You may hate him with a burning, eternal flame of hatred, but I love him. Someday, you'll see."

Past SMG3 was absolutely trembling now. He said nothing, then backed away and walked into the depths of the calm lake.

SMG4 stared at SMG3, who was now incredibly red. "You... love me?"

SMG3 was frozen in place. "Yes."

"SMG3... I love you too."

"You d-do?"

"Yes, SMG3, I love you." SMG4 walked closer to SMG3.

"For how long?"

"Dunno. Can't remember now. But I know I love you, Three." SMG3 ran up to SMG4 and gave him a kiss.

"Aww, thanks." SMG4 grabbed SMG3's hand. "Where to now?"

"I don't know, SMG4. I don't even know where that other me came from. Maybe we could figure that out." SMG3 was still trying to figure out his past clone. "I just looked into the lake, and then I heard it."

"Oh, that's an easy answer, then. You looked into the Lake of Doubt, and you must have been doubting yourself."

"I... Was. I was questioning if this love was real, if I still hated you, if-"

"Well, now you know." The two held hands and returned to the castle at The Showgrounds. There, they met SMG1 and 2.

"See, SMG1? I TOLD you that they were lovebirds!" said the yellow one.

"Well, they got there in the end," replied SMG1, before the two laughed together and greeted SMG3 and 4.

A/N 763 words

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