Chapter One

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It had been a while since she had begun training amongst the Janissaries. She made a name for herself,her unbeatable streak was growing still and not a single person could beat her. The only problem was that Ayşe wasn't who they thought she was. She left her home in Crimea after the death of her parents. Her uncle was missing and she had no idea where he went and quite frankly she didn't care.She blamed him for her father's death and for having him removed as,"The Khan of Crimea".

Ayşe had infiltrated the corps,a year ago and had rose from the ranks to become one of the most elite soldiers amongst them. It was difficult for her to hide her identity but in the end,the struggle was worth it because she did what she loved more than anything,to fight as a warrior and at the fore front. Respected and feared.

She pretended to be mute, something that wasn't pleasing to her comrades,wore bigger sized clothing to hide away her womanly parts as best she could and she never took her hat off and made sure to keep her hair hidden. Who knows what would become of her if anyone found out her true identity.

Her expertise arose from her family's training. Especially her father, Mehmed Giray, whom she loved more than anyone in the world. Her father never had any sons and the Khanate wasn't shy of continuing the legacy of strong female warriors that came centuries before. Her baba (father),who taught her the valiant ways of a warrior. His death was still fresh in her mind and she remembered how the world fell from under her feet,when at the age of 15,she was told of her father's fate.

She remembered how much her father tried to persuade his brother, Sahin not to go against the Ottomans but her uncle was blinded by unruly hatred. If her uncle saw her now, he'd spit at her and call her a traitor. Rightfully so. Perhaps she was a traitor seeking refuge in the Ottoman's bosom but she could care less. With her family gone,she would be a prisoner to Canibek and his rule. He was like her uncle in so many ways. Stubborn and reckless.

Regardless of what she was doing. Her pride came from being part of the Crimean Khanate. To be a free woman and to do what she had to.

The barracks boomed with the clash of swords and the shouts of formation. She ran down the stairs and joined them. Training had begun again and she felt her blood pump with adrenaline. 'Mute!', someone called out to her. It became her name amongst them but it held a different level of respect now rather than the previous mocking air behind it.

She turned and bowed her head to her superior who beamed at her,when she walked over he hit her shoulder in a friendly manner. 'I thought you would rest more,if you keep this up, you'll get bored of training' she smiled at this and shook her head. He gave her shoulder one last pat before he nodded and walked off.

'Let's train together',she turned to face Yahya,a blonde man who was only slightly taller than she was and looked at her with determination. He had faced her many times,prided himself on the thought of finally beating her but that never happened. It won't, for a while. She nodded and lifted a brow at him as a challenge.

They went to one of the unoccupied spots in the center of the barracks and got ready. A few resting soldiers rose now and gathered to watch them,a habit. They had faith that perhaps Yahya would beat her because he was one of the best soldiers amongst them.

She steadily took in a breath and unsheathed her blade and got into her defensive stance. She closed her eyes for a while and she heard him run towards her. He did the same move before and she moved like water and fast like a breeze with a clash of her sword against his, turning it easily around. This went on,him making wrong moves, sometimes close enough to actually overthrow her but always missing. She shook her head disapprovingly and she noticed the irritation in his eyes.

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