Chapter 1

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"Are you ready?"

"Of course, but are you prepared for what happens when you lose?"

"Stop stalling, let's get this over with."





The two girls were sitting in front of each other, with a desk in between them. The rest of the class had already left for lunch by this point. The first girl had short blond hair which spiked at the ends and was tied into a small ponytail at the back, with golden yellow eyes complementing her hair. While she was wearing the school uniform, she had decided to forego the blazer and red ribbon, keeping only the short-sleeved white shirt. She still had the school's blue skirt with two black stripes at the base of it. A yellow cardigan was tied around her waist, and she had two bracelets on her right wrist, one pink and one yellow. Her black socks went just above the knees, and she was wearing black shoes in compliance with the school.

The other girl had wavy blond hair ending at her waist. Her blueish-green eyes contrasted with her hair. Her school uniform actually had all the pieces, unlike her friend in front of her. Her white shirt was mostly covered by her black school blazer, with the school insignia embroidered on the left breast. A red ribbon was tied around the collar of her shirt. Her skirt and shoes matched her friends, but instead of socks, she had black tights covering her legs.

The first girl's hand was in a fist, Rock. The second girl's hand was flat, Paper. Her lips turned upward into a smile as the first girl's face turned into one of defeat.

"Geez Aika, how do you keep winning?"

"Hmm? I haven't won that many, have I?"

"Seventeen, and I've only managed to win five."

"Well, you're the one who came up with this, but we can stop it if you want."

"No way, I'm too deep into this to back out now."

She let out a light giggle, "Okay then. I'll take a melon bread again."

The two of them walked towards the cafeteria, engaging in lighthearted banter as they walked.

"Here you go." She said while passing Aika her melon bread and a water bottle.

"Thank you."

"Sooo, do you have a crush on anyone yet?"

Aika had been drinking her water and ended up breathing some of it in from the sudden question, choking on her drink.

"Hehe, from that reaction, I think I know the answer, so who is it?"

"You... thought... wrong." She sputtered out while coughing.

"Come on, I've told you about my crush, and now that you have one, you've got to tell me about yours."

"Sorry Ai.... I just don't want to talk about it."

"Okay, I'm sorry for pushing it. Just please tell me about it when you're ready."

"Of course." She lightly smiled at Ai.

"But Shido, it's delicious; you have to try it!" A girl with long plum purple hair, tied into a ponytail with a red ribbon, shouted at the boy she was with. She was shoving some kind of bread towards his mouth. The boy had straight blue hair, and he was trying to avoid eating the bread being shoved in his face.

"Tohka-" He tried to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the girl shoved the bread in, forcing him to try it.

"See, see, isn't it delicious?"

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