Chapter 2

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-a few minutes prior-

"Ah, you're here. Good."

A girl with long cranberry-pink hair tied into twin tails with two black ribbons was sitting on a chair at the back of the room, raised above the others. She was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with a black tie. Her tie and ribbons both had dark pink at the ends, the same color as the jacket slung over her shoulders, as well as her skirt. She was wearing long black boots which ended halfway up her thighs. The boots soles were the same pink color as the rest of her clothing. There was also a lollipop sticking out of her mouth.

"Kotori, what's happening?" Shido asked his sister; he was still wearing his school uniform.

"It seems to be a new spirit; we aren't sure of her powers, so we're going to analyze her for a little before sending you down."

"Wait, isn't that dangerous? Won't the AST attack her?"

"Yes, but they will probably just send a small reconnaissance squad; after all, they also don't know anything about her. Oh, she's waking up."

They were on the Fraxinus, a ship belonging to the organization Ratatoskr, and Kotori Itsuka was the captain of the Fraxinus. The crew and Shido watched the screen, showing the spirit waking up, being attacked, then eventually seeking refuge in the convenience store.

"She seems familiar, but I don't know why." Shido mumbled out.

"Seems she has some way of moving quickly but no way to control it. Alright Shido, she doesn't seem violent, so get down there." Kotori said before teleporting Shido just outside the convenience store.


Aika was looking around the room, searching for anything she could use as a weapon, but the only thing she could think of was to grab one of the chairs to hit whoever was out there if they tried to attack her.

"I really wish I had a weapon," she thought to herself.

And as she thought that, a small orb of purple electricity started to form in front of her. It slowly started expanding, but not equally, on all sides, mainly in the shape of a pole from top to bottom, before taking shape into a katana. Its handle was black, with purple diamonds etched into the wider sides. There was a small purple ring just above the handle, acting as a guard. The sword itself was made of the same dark purple metal as her armor, but the sharp side was glowing purple, the same purple as the string holding her armor together.

She dropped the chair in shock, but the loud noise of the chair clanging against the ground brought her back to reality. As the footsteps approached the room she was hiding in, she quickly grabbed the sword floating in front of her. It weighed almost nothing—about the weight of an empty plastic bottle. But she didn't have time to take notice, as the door creaked open.

"Are you in here? I don't want to hurt you, I just wanna talk." A guy's voice called out—a voice she recognized but didn't remember where.

With her sword pointing at the door, a head with short blue hair poked around the corner, Itsuka Shido.

"Wait, Itsuka-kun? What are you doing here?" She said as she lowered her weapon.

"Huh, you know me?"

"Yeah, we are in the same class, geez, how could you forget--- oh right, my hair's changed."

"Well, you definitely seem familiar, I just can't put my finger on it."

"Himari Aika."

"Wait, Himari-san, did you dye your hair?"

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