Chapter 3

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"Oi, Aika. Are you okay?"

Ai was sitting at her desk, with Mii and Mai sitting at their desks behind her. Mai, wearing the school uniform, had short brown hair ending at her chin, with brown eyes matching her hair. Mii had longer purple-black hair, going halfway down her back. Her eyes also matched her hair, but she was wearing glasses as well. The three of them were staring at Aika, who had just arrived for the morning classes. Of course, they were staring because of her hair, as it was still purple, seemingly remaining even after she got rid of her astral dress and her angel.

"Uhh, yeah. I just wanted to try something new..."

Aika tried to dodge the question. Honestly, she wasn't even sure of a proper excuse to give them. She considered telling them about the whole spirit thing, but there was no way they would believe her, and honestly, it could be dangerous for them to know.

"Aika, you know you can talk to us if something's going on."

"I know, but I'm okay."

She really wanted to tell them, especially Ai, but a mix of fear and worry were preventing her from talking. Of course they weren't the only people staring at her; most of the class was. However, while most were staring out of curiosity, one was a mix of hatred and fear. Aika glanced at the girl glaring daggers at her, Tobiichi Origami. Of course it wasn't too much of a shock after what happened yesterday, but it still hurt. Tobiichi noticed Aika catching her glare and quickly looked away. Aika sat at her desk as the teacher walked in and started the class.

The bell rang, signaling the start of lunch.

"Come on Aika, let's go eat."

She glanced over at Tobiichi, who actually held eye contact this time.

"Sorry you three, I have something I need to talk about with Tobiichi-san."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's important."

"sigh, okay, we'll leave you to it then."

As the class left, the only people left in the room were Aika and Tobiichi.

"We should probably go somewhere more private," Aika said.

Tobiichi gave a light nod, clearly still on guard in case Aika tried anything. Aika led her to the roof, a place most people don't go out of fear of getting in trouble with the teachers.

"You don't have to be so wary you know. I'm not gonna hurt you." The roof was empty, with metal fencing surrounding it, a precaution to make sure people wouldn't accidentally fall off. There was a forest to the back and left of the school, creeping up a steep hill. To the right, a large space with a dirt track for running, and the gym just beyond that. Out front was a simple road with a few houses along it, which eventually led into the main city. Aika was leaning against the railing, her arms crossed on top of it, as she looked out over the field with her purple hair blowing in the wind. Tobiichi was standing a short distance behind her, still clearly on edge.

"I don't believe you."


"Because you're a spirit."

"I only became a spirit yesterday."

"I don't believe you."

Aika turned her head, her eyes questioning why. "So you think I was a spirit all this time and was just lying to you this past month?"




"Why do you hate spirits so much?"

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