Chapter 5

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Authors Note: Some R18 stuff in this chapter, will be told when it shows up.


Ai walked down the hall to her classroom, her mind still on Aika and her thoughts from last night. Before she opened the door, she steeled her emotions, and went in to greet her friends.

"Good morning Ai." Mai greeted her first, followed by Mii.

"Oh, Ai-san, good morning."

Aika was talking to the two of them, her back to Ai. She noticed her beautiful purple hair twisting halfway down her back. She turned to face Ai and greet her. "Good morning Ai."

Her bright smile, her squinted emerald eyes—everything about her stole Ai's attention, causing her to get lost in her own thoughts.

"Ummm, Ai-san?"

"H-Huh, oh, right, good morning you three." She said, realizing she had been stunned just by seeing Aika. She sat down with the three of them; they were just talking about random stuff, so she zoned out, resting her head on the desk. Her eyes subconsciously drifted to Aika's face, and to her lips. They looked soft and were moving as she spoke. A small blush appeared on Ai's face, which was noticed by two people, Mai and Mii. Neither of them said anything, just continuing their conversation with Aika until the teacher came in and each of them moved to their assigned seats.

Throughout the class, Ai kept glancing at Aika to her right. She never noticed, as she was taking notes throughout the classes, being a diligent student unlike her friends. But unlike Aika, the two sitting behind them certainly noticed.

Eventually, the bell for lunch rang, and the rest of the class left, except for Tobiichi, leaving the five of them alone in the room.

"Alright Ai, get ready to be defeated again." Aika said, turning to the girl next to her with her fist out in front.

"Huh? Oh, right." She put her fist out as well, as the match started. But Ai's thoughts were not focused on the match; she was too busy staring at Aika's hand.

"Her hand looks so soft... I wanna hold it... Dammit Ai, one, she's not interested, and two, you don't even like girls... right?"

While her mind was stuck on Aika's hand, she was still able to get out the words, and as it came time to make her move, she didn't even consciously choose one. Aika's hand lying flat on the table.

"Perfectly grabbable..."

She snapped out of her thoughts, a small blush on her face, and looked at her own hand.

"W-Wait... I won?"

"Haha, guess I'm buying today."

"Himari-san, we need to talk." Tobiichi said, interrupting their talk.

"Oh, um, okay." Aika had a small blush on her face, which Ai noticed, a small frown appearing on her face.

"Sorry, you three go on ahead. Ai, can you order for the both of us? I'll pay you back once I'm done talking to Tobiichi-san."

"...Maybe I should go with you..."

"Um, I guess that's-"

"No." Tobiichi interrupted Aika. "This is a private matter between me and Himari-san."


"Sorry Ai, it won't take long."

The two of them left, leaving Ai alone with Mai and Mii.

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