~ meeting bailey richmond ~

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I woke up to my phone blaring in my ear.
Damn telemarketers, I pressed the hand up button and looked at the time, 3:09pm. I groaned as I got up, and hurried to get ready, I had to meet my client- Andrew Lorelei, this infamous MMA fighter who believes the only way to win, is to sleep with someone before each match, and for some reason he decided to choose me as his favorite girl.

Hurrying to hop inside the shower, grabbing my towels and my loofa. my phone starts ringing, again! I angrily picked it up without checking the caller ID. "Hello?"

A familiar voice rang through the speaker,
"where the hell are you? My match is less than 3 hours away, and you are nowhere to be seen."

I rolled my eyes. "of course it's him calling me." I thought to myself, before replying to him. "Will you calm the hell down? I'm on my way." I lied to him. I haven't even brushed my teeth.

I heard him breathe heavily through the phone, like he was having an asthma attack. I turned the water on as I waited for him to start speaking again. "Listen, be here in 30 minutes or I swear..." he hung up after that. Placing my phone on the sink, ignoring his threats, I hopped in the shower.


Hurrying down the stairs, my hair still wet, my body still slightly damp, I headed towards the streets, hailing a taxi as best as I could while holding my dress down. "white, skimpy dresses-I've really gotta stop wearing these for my clients." I mumbled to myself as the taxi finally noticed me. Hoping in the backseat, I told him Andrew's address.

Arriving at the house, I payed the taxi driver and headed inside. The security guards that stand at the gate, know me pretty well by now. I greeted them. "Hey Charlie! Hey Joseph!" They greeted me back, as they let me through the gate.

Letting myself into the house, with the key that Andrew made for me. I laid my purse and jacket on the sofa, then headed up to his room. As I opened his door, he instantly stood up from his bed, and walked up to me. "Where the hell have you been? I've been worried sick princess."

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