Its time - bailey

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I stared into Andrew's eyes, those beautiful blue eyes stared back at me. I loved it when he looked at me like this, I never told him that, and I never planned on telling him, but somehow it's like he read my brain, because he always looks at me like this.

As we had a staring contest towards each other, we suddenly got snapped out of it by coach- Brad. He snapped his fingers in our faces causing Andrew to look up at him "what'd you say?"

Brad replied seeming anxious and frustrated as he pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned. "You're on in 10 minutes." I saw Andrew's eyes go wide, as he started panicking.

"Omg! Omg! I can't be on in 10 minutes! I'm not ready- stall for me." He stood up and started pacing around the room, seeming as I've known him for over a year. I've seen him do this a lot, but tonight he seemed worser than all the other nights.

I got up and walked over to him cupping his face, making him look at me. "You're gonna calm down, you hear me? You're gonna put your gear on and you're gonna go out there and kick Marco's ass. All that nervousness you feel, it's all  in your head. You're Andrew Lorelei. You. Can. Do. This."

I tried my best to comfort him and make him more confident, but I haven't been known to be the best at that but it seemed to work as I felt him calm down. he kisses both of my palms, before speaking. "Thanks princess. I knew I made the right choice bringing you."

I don't know why, but I felt weak in the knees as he kisses my hands. I shouldn't feel this way,  we have a business arrangement, but there's just something about him that makes me wanna kidnap him and take him to Las Vegas and force him to marry me.

I watched as Andrew ran around his dressing room changing into his fight gear- shirtless fighting gear. I licked my lips staring at those beautiful, sharp, defining abs- omg what am I saying? Snap out of it Bailey! He pays you to have sex with him there can be nothing more. I mentally slapped myself.

After Andrew got changed into fighting gear he walked up to me. "Are you gonna watch me from in here or do you want a seat in the stands?"

"I guess I can have a seat in the stands?" I said trying my hardest not to look down. I knew the second he saw me staring at his abs, he'd get an erection, shocking he didn't have one right now. I had to control myself, I can have those sweet abs later.

He turned to Brad, while Jogging in place, preparing for his fight. "Can you get her a front row seat?" Brad nodded and motioned for me to follow him. Andrew watched me as I walked to the door, still jogging in places he said "see you down there princess."

I walked with Brad as he led me to the seats. Andrew's words kept ringing in my ears, "princess" I loved it when he called me nicknames, especially princess. I always acted like I hated it, because everytime he called me it I wanted to jump in his arms and beg him to marry me.


As I sit in my seat, the guy with the giant microphone started speaking. "and tonight, we have 2 very, very important people coming into the arena. 2 of the best fighters in the world. I give you Marco Dechino and..." the crowd went wild, some booing and other cheering him on. "... and Andrew Lorelei!" The crowd instantly cheered him on, it was pretty obvious who their favorite fighter was- and mine too. Because the second he said Andrew's name I instantly started screaming and cheering him on.

Andrew and Marco entered from opposite sides of the arena. Andrew's eyes scanned the crowd as if looking for something important. After a few seconds his eyes found mine, sitting front and center to the ring. He winked at me as he entered the ring. My heart felt like it was placed in a heater.

As the fighters stood at the sides of the ring the announcer started counting down from 5. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1." The announcer jumped out of the ring as both the boys started circling each other. They circled each other for a while because the crowd started booing them and saying "quit circling each other, the ring isn't a clit!" And some other guy said. "We don't need to learn what our shapes are!"

Assuming Marco heard the crowd, he lunged at Andrew. Andrew swiftly avoided it and swung at him, hitting him in the jaw. Marco retaliated by elbowing Andrew in the gut. Andrew doubled over and I couldn't help but feel panicked "was he hurt! Is he okay?" I called out to the refs, who didn't even acknowledge me.

I started calming down as I saw Andrew get up and tackle Marco to the ground. I signed with relief as he managed to pin Marco down. The refs counted to 3 and he won the match. The crowd cheered him on, as he stepped out of the ring.

I ran out of the stands, trying to get to his dressing room as fast as I could. Knocking over a girl or two who were surrounding his dressing room, I sprinted past them and went inside. He was laying on the bed, acting as if he didn't take the nastiest blow to the stomach just moments ago.

I sat on the bed next to him. I tried my best not to ask- to not care. But I had to know. "Are you okay?" I had seen him take plenty of hits before,  but not as bad as this one. This one looked like it really, really hurt.

"I'm fine princess. Nothing I haven't had happen before." He said sitting up, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his lap. He started kissing down my neck, sucking and biting as he went.

"Are you sure?" I questioned without thinking. His mouth did wonders to me, but what mattered to me the most right now, was his safety.

He pulled back from my neck, still holding me in his lap. "Don't worry about me." One of his hands held my face, I leaned into his touch. "I said I'm fine. Now you can either believe me, or I can prove it to you."

"Prove it to me." I instantly said. At this point I didn't care if he knew that I liked him or not. What mattered was him being okay.


Another really long chapter. I'm sorry guys. 😃

But anyway. Hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Any notes or anything you wanna add here or just anything you wanna say —>

Also I keep adding photos to all of these pages. Idk why they aren't adding. But if you have any notes on that or if you can see the pics plz let me know.

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