-Sweet Child-

141 4 0

Narator POV

Atticus was getting ready

This was the day, he was going to court to protect miss Y/n in court

Hopefully get her a new home, where she can be safe and sound

He looked his finest, to look appealing for the judge

He started walking out the door,

"Atticus! Atticus! Let us go with you" Scout said grabbing onto his arm

"Scout, Jem, you cannot come, i will see you two at dinner" He says patting their heads before walking out the door

He got into the car, setting his suitcase in the passenger next to him

Scout ran out the house and up to the car,

"Oh Atticus please please, let us come" She said

"Scout, if you and Jem can get Cal to take you, then you can go, but don't go alone" He said and Scout happily skipped off

-Time Skip-

Atticus walked in, sitting at his table sitting his briefcase down on the table,

When they brought in a child and a man

It was you and your father

Your POV

You walked in as Judge Taylor guided you to Atticus,

You looked up at him and he smiled

He picked you up setting you in his lap

"How are you today miss Y/n" He asked and you just looked at him

You looked more scared and cautious then yesterday, as you sucked on the pacifier anxiously

He noticed this and sat you on the chair beside him

You looked over at Atticus and he was looking at your father, a tall blonde man with bruises on his knuckles

He looked back at you patting your head, giving you a feel of comfort

Judge Taylor sat down in his seat, and banged the gravel

"This court is now in session" Judge Taylor says

Mr. Gilmer (Your Father's Lawyer) stood walking up the the chair

"Mr. L/n, please come up" Mr. Gilmer said

You watched your dad walk up to the chair sitting in it

You started to whine, seeing him look at you and Atticus patted you making you feel calmer

"Now Mr. L/n, why don't you tell us what happened on the night of November 10th" Mr. Gilmer said

"I was in my living room, and i was sitting on the couch watching TV when i hear a bang, and i look over and i see that Y/n had fell causing the bruise on her eye" Mr. L/n said

Mr. Gilmer nods and sits down, and Atticus stands

"Now Mr. L/n, you said that you were watching TV" Atticus asked him and he nodded

"Why were you not watching Y/n" Atticus asks

"She was simply playing, there was no need" He says

"She is only 2, Mr. L/n she is still very young and needs to be taught" He says

"Yeah yeah, she was fine okay" He says

"Well she must have not been, you said she fell down, or were you lying about that" Atticus said

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