Chapter 12 - Love Birds Collage

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"Do you think he would be mad if we took a picture?" a hushed voice says from somewhere near me, I search my mind to try to figure out where I am and what's happening. I feel something tickle my nose and then I realize, that's Logan's hair.

 I feel a big heavy arm around my torso and a little weight on my chest. Logan Thomson is hugging me and we are wearing matching onesies, what has happened to my life? "Shhh don't wake them, I need to take way more photos, and add it to our love birds collage" I recognize the voice to be Graham's and then a laugh that is definitely Tim's as his laugh sounds like a dying cat. 

"Guys, that is mean, but also send me a photo." I felt the boy beneath me stiffen, then groan, and then all the warmth of his body was removed as he snapped up straight. "What are you jerks doing?" laughter bounces around the room and I feel the bed shake and hear a thud on the floor." don't you dare send the photo about, you hear me?" Logan's stern voice almost makes me shiver and I don't hear any complaining. 

"You shouldn't take photos of girls without their consent, Luna might be uncomfortable with you taking a photo like that of her sleeping and she may even feel insecure about the fact you took a photo while she was sleeping" Logan rambles on about how they should respect me but i just feel giddy, he cares about me. 

"But Luna looks beautiful in this photo" Graham says and I hear a low growl from who I am guessing is Logan, "she always looks beautiful but don't disrespect her" I struggle to breathe and I feel my cheeks warm, he thinks I am always beautiful, half the time I personally don't think I look beautiful but he does. My dad always said I looked beautiful and then kissed the tip of my nose before he went to work and it made me feel special.

 I open my eyes and the bright light shines into my eyes, I cover them with my palm and yawn. I hear Logan shushing them and they all smile up at me, kinda creepy. "What time is it?" I ask no one in particular but none of them say anything. They all just stare at me for a bit until Jack clears his throat.

"It's 6, Jay wants us to get up early and prepare for the very important event" Jack laughs but Jay just scowls at him. "It is important and I would like to say Luna loo you look amazing this fine morning" Jay says to me with an innocent look. I am momentarily shocked and confused but to make it worse they all start complimenting me, Tim says my blue eyes look ravishing and Tim says my nose is more adorable than usual.

When Graham goes to say something he looks over to Logan and stops, Logan looks like he wants to murder them all and I am not even kidding. "I am gonna get showered and dressed then I will deal with all of you and your weirdness" I climb down the ladder and bend down to get my clothes from my box when there is a knock at the door. 

Logan walks toward it and talks to the person on the other side, I go into my box and grab a pair of grey gym shorts and an oversized t-shirt with a cute violet sports bra. When I turn around a white top is thrown at me and I look at it and it says "Team tiny" I look up and Logan is trying not to laugh and Graham already has his top on and is dying of laughter. 

"What is this?" I am horrified by Logan who is nearly about to burst. "It's our team name and shirts, we all have one and must wear it all day" When he says this he bursts and starts laughing so hard he looks like he's crying. Tim and Jay shove their tops on and smile at me and Jack looks apologetic as he puts his top on. 

I huff and push past them all and head toward the bathroom. I put all my clothes on and the top is actually perfect. It is a boy's top but I like my top baggy and it makes my but look great in my shorts, so maybe I am not so mad. I pull my hair into a high ponytail and pull out my front pieces. Yesterday I loved my dungarees but to be honest today I feel more confident and hotter for sure today. 

Logan thinks I am beautiful. 

A/n: Please Vote and Comment 

- Alexa Raye 

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