Chapter 19 - Yeah bitch look at me

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I take a massive bite out of my ham sandwich, and gosh it tastes amazing. Jay didn't allow us to have breakfast so I was starving. I devoured my food and gulp down my water in less than 3 minutes.

Tim nudges me and holds out a bit of his sandwich and I smile and take it, "Thank you, you're amazing!" I say to him and he just laughs at me when I shove it into my mouth. The boys are finishing off their sandwiches when Mrs. Willow claps her hands for everyone's attention.

"Firstly I would like to say well done to all of our teams today as everyone did amazingly," she says as she smiles widely at all the teams who all look defeated. 

"But sadly there must be a winner and today that winner is ... team Tiny!" She shouts, and the boys jump up from their seats and jump about, Jack stands behind me and ruffles my hair making me elbow him in the stomach. 

Eventually they all sit down and Mrs Willow laughs and nods her head at me. Everyone else has stopped listening to Mrs Willow and chatter starts up again. She walks over to us and puts her arms around me and I inhale her scent, cinnamon and flowers like it always is. 

The first time I came into her room crying she hugged me and I told her she smelled like a bakery and she laughed, and now for Christmas she always buys me a bottle of her perfume for me. It's nice to know someone cares for me. My mum has been lost since my dad died, She always tried but when I look into her eyes all I see is a broken woman who wants her husband back.

In some ways I have also lost my mum as well, but that's why Mrs Willow is so important to me. Not saying Mrs willow is like a mum to me but she's pretty darn close to it. She lets go of me and runs a thumb down my cheek and smiles at me. When I look in her eyes I just see a kind hearted woman who loves me.

"Well done Luna" she whispers and steps back clapping her hands and congratulating the boys who are all beaming with happiness. "Alright guys, would you like to know your prize?" she asks and I nod my head and Jay shouts "yes I need to know!" 

loud enough that everyone turns to look at our table and he blushes. Mrs Willow laughs at the excitement, "later on there will be an outdoor cinema set up for all of you snacks included!" she says in her high pitched happy voice. An outdoor cinema does sound cool, a tad cold though. "The film options are the Maze Runner  which I know Luna loves," she says and I smile, I have loved maze runner for years its been my comfort movie for as long as i can remember. 

 "Or we have Avengers: infinity war" she says and the boys instantly start agreeing on the avengers film and to be honest they should watch that as they won I didn't really help much. I also don't mind Avengers, as Holly was obsessed with marvel and dragged me to watch every film.

Now when a marvel film comes out she takes her new friends and our old tradition was lost, but i don't mind us not being friends was for the best. "I think we should watch maze runner though" Logan says making eye contact with me and he nods his head, "without Luna today we wouldn't have won and she loves maze runner" he says and the boys all think for a moment.

 "But you hate-" Jay starts to speak but Logan kicks him under the table and he shuts up. I look at Jay suspiciously but he just smiles at me as he rubs his leg where Logan kicked him. "I think it would be a great idea to watch," Jay starts then huffs "the maze runner" he says but keeps the fake smile on his face and I tilt my head and laugh at his weirdness.

 "It's fine we can watch avengers I don't mind" I say but then I get shouted at by all of them saying how we must watch maze runner and that it has already been decided. Mrs Willow laughs at the bottom of the table and smiles, "Okay, so the maze runner it is, after dinner just head straight outside!" she says as she walks away to the teacher table.

 "You guys didn't have to do that, you know I could have just watched avengers" I say and Jack scoffs. "Luna loo we wanted to watch the maze runner" he says and Graham nods his head in agreement. "Can we go back to the rooms? It's too warm and I need beauty sleep before dinner" Tim whines from next to me with his head on the table. I laugh and we all stand up.

The moment my foot touches the floor, Logan pounces in front of me, "Nope tiny get on my back, cant have your leg sore for the movies can we?" he says and instead of arguing which I know will get me nowhere I just jump on his stupid back

For what I think is the third time this week I am on Logan's back, I then feel eyes on me and turn my head to see Daisy staring daggers into me. 

Yeah bitch look at me I am on Logan Thomson back not you, I give her a wink as Logan starts walking towards the path. 

She frowns so hard back at me I can't help but laugh. "What's funny, tiny?" Logan asks me when we reach the path and I just shake my head. "Nothing just excited for the movie" he just laughs and nods his head.

 "Can we be together?" Logan says randomly when we reach the grass outside the woodland area and I nearly choke on air, WHAT? "I..I mean for the movies!" he shouts and then I look down at his face and he's blushing and muttering words under his breath.

I try not to laugh but it ends up bubbling out of me and I can't stop it. "Stop laughing at me, I am being serious" he says and I stop laughing.

"Yes, Logan I will sit with you" I say and instantly his shoulders relax and a smile spreads across his face.

 To be fair I was gonna sit with him anyway but he doesn't need to know that. 

This could be my opportunity to get closer to Logan, physically. 

A/n:  please go add my snap ( alexaraye2024 ) so you  can help make decisions on some parts of the story 

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- Alexa Raye 

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