Chapter 33

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I'm not going to lie, this morning had me a bundle of nerves. What the hell was I thinking telling Logan I'd come and work at the practice? I must have had way too much to drink, or maybe it was the touch of his warm, masculine hands on my ankle. Sending electricity through my legs straight to my damn pussy. Either way, I think I've totally lost the plot but I can't back out now and my mother. Well, let's just say she's already planning the goddamn wedding. Someone needs to rein her in right now.

"Sweetheart, I am so excited you're finally going to be working alongside Logan again. This is the best news I've had in a while." I raise my eyebrows. Can't have much going on in this town then is all I can think.

"It's not a big deal, Mom. Calm down. I'm still leaving town when I get a new position. I need the money otherwise I'll be dipping into my savings and I can't do that. I'll need cash for a deposit on a place when I move out."

"Oh nonsense, darling. Don't be so ridiculous. You'll be staying here in Willowbrook. Mark my words, lovely." She clearly has lost the plot more than I have. Mom starts clearing away the breakfast dishes and loads the washing machine. Then she turns to me at the island and rests her hands on it.

"There are worse men in this life than Dr Logan." She looks so sincere, I want to laugh because there is no way on this earth that I am going to date Logan again. Never. Ever. Sure, we'll probably end up being friendly. Nope, that's too much. Sociable to one another, I have to work with him now that I opened my mouth. And maybe in time, I'll ease off the dagger woman that I know I am being only I can't help it. I wanted him to come with me. Yet I can now see this is no different than Miles telling me he was off to do a fellowship in London. That of course is the rational side of my brain. But my heart is constricted and not allowing any other man in. No fucking way. I am not prepared to go there again. First Logan then Miles. As far as I am concerned this heart is under lock and key and I've thrown the key to it far away.

"Don't start planning any weddings, Mom. It's never going to happen. You know I will be leaving and when I say I'm going to do something, I usually do."

"Ah, but you're more grown up now, honey. You'll see how wonderful this town is and the people. Surely you can't have forgotten how kind everyone is, how we've all got each other's backs?"

"I get that, Mom. But I also know how stifling living in small town can be. Jeez, you can't go to the bathroom without someone knowing."

"I think you're being overly dramatic, Sage." She goes back to loading the dishwasher. I watch her placing things in it and wonder how it must feel to be so content. To have lived somewhere all your life and never wanting to leave it. All her friends are here, most from her childhood, she's only ever been married to my father and in a way I am a little envious. These were all the things I wanted, okay not staying here in Willowbrook but the man, the husband, the kids and of course my big medical career. Being stuck in Willowbrook is not going to give me the career I want.

In any case, I have to get going. It's way too late to back out now and I am a woman of my word. I said I'd be there and I'd help Logan out so that is what I must do.

Standing in his office doorway, I am suddenly swamped with so many emotions, my mind is in shock. This man sure did grow up to be one handsome guy. He's still not shaved and that stubble deserves some fingers to caress it, his mouth is upturned and is he daring to wear a smirk. He winks. With Eliza standing right next to me? Maybe it's some kind of tick, nervous reaction. Surely, he isn't giving me flirty winks in front of his assistant, is he?

"Good morning, Sage." His eyes are twinkling, I know I've made the wrong decision when I start feeling warmth creeping up through my stomach and my legs go weak. His broad frame dominates his room, the tattoos run up his arms and as he plays with the pen in his hand I can see his ropey veins running up his forearm. Shocking. Sexy. Too fucking good looking for his own good.

"Let's get you settled in first, honey." Eliza says shooing me along the corridor. On the walls are the standard posters you'd see in a practice, one with a hotline number to call for abused children, one for drugs and addictions and then there's a picture of Logan standing in the middle of a group of kids all wearing baseball gear.

"Cute, right?" Eliza says. "He does so much for the community. He runs the little league. You should come watch on Saturday, my it's adorable seeing all those kids running around and then Dr Logan in his kit. Now that's a nice sight if ever I saw one." He does? Wow. I'm impressed he can find the time with running the only practice here in Willowbrook and the spill over folk from Copper Town. I merely nod. There's no way I'm going to watch Logan dressed in tight pants and top with those muscles on display not to mention anything else that might show it's form. No damn way.

Eliza opens the door at the end of the hallway next to the one that says, Nurse on it. Light floods through and hits the pale wood floor. The desk is much like Logan's, square, antique and with a leather inlay of dark green. The carvings on it are spectacular, I go to it and run my hands along it.

"Thank you, Eliza." I place my Mulberry bag down on the desk and move round to take a seat.

"Oh, hey you're the new doc, right." I am taken back by the most beautiful girl I've seen in a long while with her baby pink spiky hair, a nose ring and flower tattoos on both her arms. She's wearing pink scrubs. "Sadie. I'm the nurse. Glad to meet you."

I extend my hand to meet hers. "Pleased to meet you too, Sadie. I'm looking forward to working with you all." I lie, well maybe with her and Eliza but not with Logan. I know, I know. I've got to let it go, but I just can't – not right now in any case.

"I hear you two had a thing going on back when you were kids. Any chance you'll start dating him again? He's hot, right? Needs a good woman that one." She winks as she leans against my door frame. Wow, she's a bit of a firecracker this one.

"Enough, Sadie." Eliza says and nudges her away from the frame. "Kids eh? She'll be busy this morning. We have the pregnancy clinic so she'll be out of your hair for a good few hours." Eliza chuckles. I nod.

"Right then, Dr Bennett. I'll let you settle in. Logan will be right in to show you around." Eliza leaves me to it as I sit down in the large chair and swivel round to face the window that looks out to a beautiful garden full of shrubs and trees already getting set for Fall.

I hear him cough and swivel back round to the face the door. My breath hitches as I drink him in, leaning against the door frame, one arm slightly lifted against it. I can see the bulge of his bicep, his head is cocked to one side and I know I am in deep trouble. 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now