The fiesta

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Randy picked you up from your house and drove you to the supermarket to buy food for stu's "little" fiesta

You both walked into the supermarket, and you grabbed one of the bright red baskets to carry the snacks you both picked out

He lead you through the aisles, and he eventually found one full of different types of chips. Randy walked down, extended his arm out, and began pouring different bags of snacks into the tiny basket till it was literally overflowing

"Should we get drinks while we're here" you asked

"No, if I know Stu, he's going to have enough beer to go around" Rabdy replied

"Is anything there not going to have alcohol...?" you questioned

"No. Everything's coming from a bottle, or will be spiked"

"Jesus Christ" you muttered "Fuck..and with a killer on the loose, this probably isn't a good idea" you admitted

"I mean you don't have to go if you don't what to, i'm not forcing you to go" Randy said "Why did you agree to come to his fiesta when he asked you though?"

"Maybe I just need an escape from everything, you know?" you answered

You 2 continued to chat and had finished filling up the small basket, so Randy and you made your way to the front of the store to pay for your goods

You guys paid and went back outside. You got into his car, and she started driving

"hey, have you ever wondered that if stu's a god?" Randy asked you

Well that question caught you off guard "excuse me?"

"Rght, sorry i should probably explain. So you know how all gods are basically just horny all the time, like stu"

You chuckled "he's not a god, as horny as he is, zeus wins this one"

"Are you sure about that? with stu, any hole's the goal," randy snickered "hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he was screwing tatum and shagging billy on the side"

"You seem way too confident about that" you stated

"Have you and stu fuc-"


*Few minutes later*

Soon enough, he pulled into a long winding driveway that led to a large Victorian style mansion, You've been to Stu's house for 4 times now but it still amazes you how big this house is

Randy parked among the mess of cars and trucks scattered across Stu's front yard. You both got out, and you saw Randy grab a stack of VHS tapes from the backseat

He had decided to be the hero no one asked for and grab a bunch of horror movies for the kids

Inside, some people were dishing out snacks, Stu had attached a funnel to a hose pipe and was using it to guzzle down alcohol, and Randy had disappeared to set up the movies

You weren't hungry, so you didn't want to talk to the boys. You didn't drink or do any drugs, wanting to be sober in case one of your friends do something stupid or hurt themselves (Stu)

You were at a house full of teenagers who would most likely be dancing and moving around, even if the killer did show up, it'll still be hard trying to find you, and plus maybe someone will see them and call the police before they could get to you

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