The Stronghold

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I always imagine Taro's sword as katana-like, owing to his japanese inspiration, but you can imagine it however you like.

Also, Taro's scarf that he got from Azure is orangeish yellow, the same color as Azure's hair now as to not be the same color as the Lego skin and because it would look nicer too.



It was dark and silent, remarked Taro in his mind. It was just like back then, when he was still a tree except now he couldn't hear a thing in this giant box, even his own companions. It felt awful.

He didn't know how long it's been since he'd been sealed or if any time had passed at all nor did he want to spend eternity in this place. He tried his best to break free, but his body and powers were sluggish. Whether it was the seal or whatever the monk did, something made Taro feel weak.

Soon enough, the peach boy grit his teeth and gave up. With no other option other, the boy decided to shut his eyes and sleep; sleep for the eternity he would spend here to avoid going insane. And sleep he did.

Year by year, unbeknownst to everyone, roots started to grow out of the sleeping boy wrapping around his and his companions' bodies. The roots spread all over the seal and with enough time, they even creeped up outside it.

The land around the growing roots flourished with life. So much so that it attracted the attention of a certain group of six that sensed Taro's presence.


Centuries after Taro's imprisonment.

The peach boy's eyelids trembled as he felt his entire seal shake. It shook again, making Taro groan as his eyes barely opened. "What?" He muttered in confusion before he felt the seal shake once more and his eyes shot open.

Something was attacking the seal, Taro blinked as he realized this. Was someone trying to free him? He wondered hopefully as the seal shook once more. The shaking was following a rhythm, the peach boy noted as the seal shook once more.Taro waited with bated breath to be free, but the shaking suddenly stopped and the rhythm was broken.

Taro immediately thought of the worst, that whoever was out there was giving up. The peach boy, as quickly as he could muster in his weakened state used his power to send a pulse of pink energy through his chains and roots into the seal, shaking it from the inside.

Taro silently prayed and begged for his call to work before the seal shook from the outside once again. Taro quickly replied with a pulse of energy that shook the seal again. The next shake, Taro waited before he synchronized his own attacks with the one from outside. The effects of the syncing were visible at the seal began to crack, but it wasn't enough.

Taro immediately turned to his friends sealed with him and yelled. "Guys! Wake up! WAKE UP!" He said before Zao quickly sprung up.

"What?! Who?! Taro?" Asked Zao in confusion as he forced himself awake. It took him a few seconds to remember the situation he and his friends were in.

"We can escape this place, but we need everyone!" Replied Taro in a determined tone. "Help me wake up Zi and Zuzu!"

Zao nodded before he turned to Zuzu who was very close to him. The dog extended his neck towards the monkey before opening his mouth and biting down on the tip of the monkey's ear.

"AAAAAH!" Zuzu screamed in pain as he woke up before Zao let go of his ear. "MY EAR!!! WHAT THE HECK, ZAO?!"

"We can escape this place, but we need the bird!" Replied Zao urgently, prompting Zuzu to pause as he recalled the current situation and how they were sealed before turning to Zi. "I don't think he's gonna wake up easy."

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