The Two Blades

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I often forget to write this so I'm gonna say it here.

Taro twirls his sword a lot.



At the wood temple hotel's main lobby.

"So what you're saying is that your camping trip was interrupted by a demon?" Asked Juniper tree spirit calmly as she stood in front of Taro and his three companions with an expression that showed some concern. Taro and his friends nodded. "And you're now hunting down said demon because they're after you? And said demon is in the city?"

"AND because she robbed me of my beauty sleep. We can't forget such an unforgivable sin." Added Zi in a serious tone with a clear nod, prompting Juniper spirit to sigh with a glare at Taro as the peach boy avoided eye contact.

Juniper spirit wore an expression decorated with anger and disappointment before speaking in a stern tone. "You're all grounded." Taro and his companions froze in shock. "I know i can't actually stop you from leaving, but if you four have any conscience left in you you'll stay!" She exclaimed angrily clenching her fists before sighing and turning around.

Without waiting for a response, Juniper stormed out of the area leaving the four companions shook. None of them dared to utter anything, letting awkward silence fill the lobby. Taro stared at the floor for a few moments before slowly making his way up to his room with his companions in tow. The other tree spirits, aside from Bamboo Spirit, saw him on the way and looked at him with upset or disappointed expressions making Taro quicken his steps. Once I Taro's room, Zao headed towards his dog house that was set up in the room as Zi flew towards a nest set up on a shelf while Zuzu layed on a hammock next to Taro's bed. "Sooo, that was awkward." Zuzu broke the ice scratching the back of his head. Zi nodded silently as Zao grumbled something unintelligible.

Taro let out a short groan as he heard a whisper in his ears. "Oh, so you're only now just realizing they have feelings too? I guess with your powers you could just make other tree spirits and forget about these "lesser beings" right?" It was his dark doppelganger hallucination or whatever. Taro didn't bother to give him a name. Taro grit his teeth as he dug his face into his pillow, trying to ignore his doppelganger's words. But they were like sharp digging into his heart, forcing a silent yet desperate sob from the boy's throat.

With nothing else to do and seeing Taro on his bed, the three Z's decided to sleep. However, the peach boy's eyes were wide awake. Seeing his friends sleeping, Taro got out of bed and headed outside his room in the middle of the night. He looked around left and right before noticing a familiar tree spirit, Bamboo Spirit at the end of the corridor. The peach boy tried to say something before changing his mind and turning around only to be met with the figure of Bamboo Spirit standing right in front of him. "You need something, dear?" She asked softly with a smile almost causing Taro to jump back in surprise.

Taro recomposed himself before speaking. "I always forget you're not actually old. Well, you are. But- ah, forget it." He said dejectedly earning a hearty chuckle from the Bamboo Tree Spirit. "Aren't you mad at me? It feels like everyone here hates me."

"Of course I am. I'm no monk." Deadpanned Bamboo Spirit, causing Taro to awkwardly scratch the back of his head. "Also, make no mistake, they don't hate you. They're angry because they care about you. You're family to us. But you disappeared, lied about it and refused to explain anything."

Taro went silent as he narrowed his eyes. "But why?" He asked in confusion. "We can take care of ourselves and you know that." The elder spirit went dreadfully silent, causing the peach boy to pay more attention to her next words.

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