Iron Man 2: Part 2

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I held a triangle shaped piece of metal while Tony turned on his coil thing. A laser shot around the shop and destroyed ever it could. Tony redirected his laser over to me but not without burning a bit of his shop. The metal piece finally hit me and I will admit it did feel funny as I hit against my skin. I let my hands catch flames as the laser was hitting the metal for a little more power. The metal glowed and burned heavily. I laid it in a holder and watched Stark turn it off. "Good job, Kid!" He said then gave me a high five.

He sat down in his chair then looked at me. "So, I guess I was beating around the bush with this question but I've seen videos of you in the war with your wolf and your snake. How long have you been out of ice?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe a year. It took me longer to get pulled from the ice than it did Captain America. We both woke at the same time though." He nodded as I finished my story. "So the strategic homeland.. whatever it's called has you in lock with them?" I nodded. "Sadly, they pretty much told me, since Captain America let out that I was a god and aged slower I had to get adopted to do my own thing, if my "guardians" would let me." Tony went silent and watched me before going to his computer. I couldn't tell if he was thinking. "Look kid, I want you to meet someone tonight. I'm sure we can figure something for you out. Even at that she's coming pick you up in a hour so I suggest you get to your temporary room and get ready." I looked at him confused. "She? Wait- what?" He didn't speak but motioned me off with a smile. "You'll see." I turned around confused. "Mr. Thorson, please follow my directions so that I may lead you to your room."

(Time skip)
I walked into my room to see a black suit. It was a little too plain for my liking. I picked it up and let my flames and lightning travel over the suit. Ruins started to engrave themselves onto the suit as well as lightning streams and fire engraved on the black suit.

A/N: Sadly I don't have an image so you will have to imagine.

Tony POV
I sat in the lab then heard the door open. "Tony, where is this kid you were talking about." I was looking at a document for adoption along with the boys birth official certificate of life. "Pepper, I have an idea." She shook her head. "No." I held my hand to my heart in fake sadness. "You didn't even hear what I had to say." She scoffed. "I kinda don't want to." I nodded. "Fair enough but I need you to hear me out." I got up from my chair and walked over. "Jarvis grab the kid. Look Pepper, I want to help this kid. Me and him talked and this place that Coulson works for has got him on lock." She was confused. "Meaning what exactly, Tony?" I rolled my eyes. "You remember the Bat guy from World War 2?" She nodded. "It's a 17 year old god basically." She was shocked. "17?!" I nodded. "Yes, I want to help him. He's an orphan." Pepper looked at me like I'm crazy. "What do you want to do about this?!" I motioned for her to calm down. "I want to adopt him and help him. And before you say know I want you to talk to him. Get to know him. He's a good kid. He needs help, getting into the modern day, knowing the world, I want to help him, hell if it help he pretty much is 17." Pepper looked around and laid her eyes upon the hammer the kid had. She ran her hand along the side of it. "Wouldn't try to lift it up I already tried and well... failed."

The door to the lab opened and Romanoff walked in. "Where's the kid?" She held a tablet and looked around the lab. "FENRIR, TO ME!" The hammer on the table shook as well. Everyone cleared away from it and watched as it flew away and broke the glass to the door of the lab. Romanoff looked stunned. "Romanoff, you ok there." She turned around and nodded. Just then the sound of a wolf howling was heard.

The three of us walked upstairs to see a black wolf with red eyes and Y/N who had fire and lightning crawling over him. His hammer hung on his waist. He released the fire and lightning and looked at his suit. He turned around and looked at me. "Thank you for the suit, Mr. Stark, but I had to make some adjustments." He looked at everyone infront of him. He made his way to Natasha. "Good to see you again, Miss Romanoff." He sent a smile and I could practically see the blood run to her face. I chuckled and she hit me. The boy walked up to Pepper and stuck out his hand. "Hello Ma'am, you must be who Mr. Stark was talking about." She nodded and took his hand. The boy towered over her by a foot or two. "Yes, I am Pepper his-" She looked over at me. "something." He nodded. "Ok.. what exactly did I have to get dressed over?" Pepper looked at me. "You didn't tell him?" I shrugged. "I didn't have time." She hummed as she didn't believe me. "The Stark Expo." She said.

The young god cringed. Pepper and Natasha noticed. "Are you ok?" Natasha asked. "Yeah, last time I went to an expo though I ended up in the military." Pepper saw the discomfort. "Well, I promise you're not even gonna come close to that, again." Pepper then got a text on her phone. "Ok, we have to go. The ride is here." I walked with them to the car. "Do you mind if I fly?" They shook their heads. "We would appreciate it if you would actually ride with us. We would like to get to know you." Natasha said. I heard a fast rhythm come from her heart. I shook my head and leaned in her ear then whispered. "Maybe it's the fact that you just want me close to you." I subtly brushed my hand against hers and watched as she pushed towards me.

Pepper opened the car that had arrived. "Alright, we need to get going." She got in and I followed. I sat in the middle of Natasha, and Pepper. "So, Tony told me you were gonna stay with him for a while?" I shook my head. "Yes, he pretty much told me I didn't have a choice, so..." Pepper shook her head. "So do you have family here?" I looked at her and shook my head sadly. "No, everyone I knew has died besides Steve Rodgers, and we are all we have left of the original group." Natasha looked at me. "You have no one? Not even friends?" I shook my head. "Nope. But I've come to find I was banished from my home." Natasha was confused. "What do you mean?" I crossed my arms. "Well, I know you and your organization know about Jormangandr since you all were tracking him for 60 years, but he told me I was once among the old gods. I was born in Asgard. But I was banished for my "safety" it is not exactly the best to hear that." Natasha and Pepper listened and were stunned. "Old gods? Like Odin and Freya and Thor?" She had a hint of excitement in her voice. "Yes, my father is the God Of Thunder himself." Natasha started typing. "What would that make you the god of?" I shook my head. "Fire, Lightning... Love, I guess." Natasha looked up from her phone and back at me. "Love?" I shrugged. "I guess, I am able to grant it.. love.. to other people. I don't know, I'm still trying to figure it out." Natasha typed more. Then scrolled on her phone for a few minutes. Pepper wasn't talking. "It says you're the god of Fire, Love, Fertility, Lightning, Healing, War, and Rage." I looked at her like she was crazy. "What?" I asked. She handed me her phone. "Yeah. A young Aesir god born to Thor and Sif. Banished because of an attack the giants were gonna make on you." I huffed. "The old Vikings knew about you."

I was amazed. "Wow. They knew about me before I was even born." I handed her back her phone. I looked at Pepper. "Mrs. Potts? You haven't been very social." She hummed. "Y/N, have you ever thought about trying to get adopted? Get away from this-" she Motioned over to Natasha. "Place?" I shook my head and laughed. "Multiple times. Even tried to escape to the other side of the world. Hideout. Nobody would have me though. Apparently me fighting in World War 2 was too much for them." Both Natasha and Pepper shared a look. "If we were to adopt you. Would you be ok with that?" I looked at Natasha. "I will sign the papers in this car, right now, if you say yes." She had a pen in her hand. I was surprised. "What about the whole you being my boss thing and what about Mr. Stark, have you talked with him about it?" Pepper laughed. "Y/N, he was the one that prompted the idea." Natasha also chimed in. "I'll also still be your boss but you will have more freedom than I can give you." Her heart was beating like crazy. I leaned in to her ear. "Good. I like you as my boss." I leaned away to see her turn away. Her face was like red wine. "I would love nothing more than to be adopted by you both." Pepper smiled and pulled out her phone to call Tony. "He said yes!" A clank was heard on the other side of the phone. "YES!!!" I heard Tony yell. "Welcome to the family, kid!" We all laughed at that. Natasha was still a little red. We continued to talk and get to know each other until we reached the expo.

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