Thor: Part 4

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"Sif, please, you're killing me. Let me see the, lad!" I sat in shock as this woman caught my hammer with her bare hand. I slowly stuck out my hand as she reached behind herself. The woman moved her hand slowly and grabbed something from her belt. Once her arm flexed I knew she had a grasp. I finally stuck out my hand and waited until the axe hit my hand. The wood dug into my skin. I pointed my axe towards the ground but kept it ready just in case.

The woman brought her hand back to the front of her body and showed a head that hung from her belt. "Sif! My eyes must be deceiving. You could convince me we were to be in Helheim with Loki's daughter." The head laughed. I was shocked by the head. "What... is this?" The woman slowly walked towards me. "Y/N, please, we just want to talk." I shook my head. "This is a trick." I said. I closed my eyes to see the darkness of my mind.

"Lad, I assure you... this is far from a trick. Although anyone else would say it was but you're doing better than I expected." The head said. I opened my eyes to see the woman and the head still in my view. "How?" I hooked my axe on my back. "I know this isn't exactly the best way to meet us for the first time, but this is the best you get for the situation." The air grew cold and wet. I felt the rain continue to hit me as it had been. My hair was drenched by this point.

"The rain in Midgard is no joke. Could we perhaps move inside?" I snapped my fingers and watched as Mjölnir returned to my hand. "Come." I opened the door to my room. The woman who I presume is my mother and the head who I'm not to sure about entered. I entered after them and watched as they sat down at the makeshift table me and Natasha had. I hooked my hammer to my belt and took a cloth to my hair, trying my best to dry it.

"Ah, so this must be the, lads, wife. Although to Norns say there is another around somewhere?" The head said. I was confused by this statement. "Mimir, silence. You may join in a second." The head quit his talking after he finished his final statement. "Whatever you say, Sif." Everything clicked after that. "Sif? As in my mother?" The blonde haired woman smiled. "Yes. It is I. I would have come with your father but it would seem you are contemplating of ending him."

Half of me held shame by that sentence and the other confusion. "What?" Natasha shifted from one side of the room to the other. "I can leave if you want me to?" She said whilst she pointed towards the door. I stuck out my hand to signal no. "Please don't, I want to meet my son's future wife." I guess my mother said. I looked at Natasha as she looked at me for Confirmation. I looked back at the table of 'Gods' and then looked back at her. I nodded towards the table and she understood.

I sat down at the table with the gods and waited for Natasha to sit down beside me. "What is it you want?" I asked with hesitation. My 'Mother' spoke up first. "We wanted to see you. We also wanted to save your father but as of now you are more important." I hummed. "Lad, I must say it is difficult to see you for the first time in Midgard and not Asgard." I laughed and stood up from the table. I went towards the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of mead Nat had bought for me.

I grabbed three cups and a walked back towards the table and sat down. "Please... Heimdall found me. Said and I quote along the lines of "Sometime within the year we will find you.." Blah Blah Blah. "Oh, and we're also going to take pretty much the only friend you have, so, yeah say bye to your snake but keep your dog." How do I know you're not going to get 'father' back and take off again?" Sif looked hurt by that statement. "Y/N Thorson, you do not understand the amount of pain we went through just to have you in our grasps now."

The head slightly giggled. "Aye lad. Between multiple godly courts and pleading to get you into Asgard, it has been tough since with you being the leader and the very being of Ragnarök, for almost 80 cycles we had to turn you down. And believe me, little brother, that took a toll on all of the gods, even Odin the All-Father himself." I scoffed at this. "Yes, thank you all for helping me out of the ice. I appreciate your help." I said with sarcasm laced in my voice.

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