{Part 42}

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Zaire could instantly taste that Talon was putting on a facade of calm for the sake of his mate, for his friend's emotions were a tangled mess. Talon's gaze flitted down at the little doll's arm, and the set of his jaw reflected a mixture of approval and trepidation at what he saw there.

"We have much to talk about," Talon said carefully.

"I'll say," his mate responded, her words tremulous, belying the fear and frustration that both the Dark Fae could taste.

Talon's smile was tinged with pain. Her feeling of betrayal tainted the air, but it was not the time for that conversation.

"I would like to offer you a sincere apology, Dessa," Talon told her, though his guilt was clearly directed more toward Zaire than her. "However, there are much more pressing matters we must deal with at this time. Could you give us the room? There are a few employees of mine who are desperate to see you alive and well."


Dessa couldn't suss out her own reaction for being asked to leave the two of them alone. On one hand, she felt offended that Talon was brushing her off, though she knew that the state of the Dark Realm was something that went way over her head, and there wasn't much she could offer to that conversation. On the other hand, she was touched at the prospect of her co-workers worrying over her absence, and was just as eager to see them. Zaire went rigid beside her, and he and Talon shared a tense look that appeared to carry the weight of a thousand unvoiced arguments. Dessa had to guess that her mate wasn't happy to let her roam without him by her side, and Talon was silently assuring him that she would be fine. Talon gave a subtle, almost imperceptible nod, and Zaire's jaw clenched, but he reciprocated the gesture.

"Fine," she muttered, unable to stop herself from glaring at the two of them. Zaire glanced over at her, looking conflicted, like he wanted her to put up a fight, but he also knew that there was no point.

She huffed, opened the door and walked out, nearly slamming the door behind her. As she trudged down the hallway, she immediately took notice that she couldn't feel Zaire's presence as strongly in the mortal world. By the time that she made it to the foyer, the tether between them felt weak, and she could hardly sense that he was nearby. The tugging sensation that usually told her which direction her mate could be found was unnervingly vague. She felt disoriented by that, like she didn't have her bearings without it. And that nauseous feeling from the distance was so much lighter than it was in Faerie, that she could easily ignore the sensation. She had to hope that some of Talon's "men" were keeping a close eye on her, under shrouds of invisibility, because she didn't feel safe anymore.

Dessa steeled herself as she breezed past Lola, determined not to pay her any mind, and decided to stop in the dressing rooms, first, to see if Penny was working. She had no idea what day of the week it was, but she hoped that her favorite, copper-haired lady-in-waiting would be back there. For one apprehensive moment, she wondered if Penny was secretly a Fae the whole time, but she was beyond relieved to see that the girl's form was solid and unwavering. She was human.

"Penny?" Dessa called out to get her attention.

Penny whirled around, and her milk-chocolate eyes went wide, filling with tears.


Penny threw her arms around her, squeezing her tightly.

"I was so worried about you!! I thought - I thought," Penny's words broke off on a sob, and she pulled back enough to search Dessa's eyes. "Are you okay?"

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