| Chap 2

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Jake and Sunghoon arrived at the nurses office, the nurse took care of Sunghoon, he had just hurt his leg, and got a huge bruise, but it wasn't that bad and it could heal, Jake was relieved but he was very mad at Heeseung, he wanted to go to him and make him apologise, but he had made a promise to himself that he would never talk to Heeseung again so he just let it go, for now.

Heeseung pov

I left when I heard that I got detention, I don't know why I hurt Sunghoon, his my best friend, what happened? I just felt jealousy rush over me when we were playing, and I got so mad when Sunghoon kept telling Jake to watch him.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Sunoo, I sighed and smiled at him as he hugged me. "Baby! I missed you!" Sunoo said smiling widely, "I missed you too" I gave him a soft smile as I kissed his cheek.

"Hey what happened in PE?" Sunoo asked making me look down, "Nothing really..." I obviously didn't wanna talk about it. Sunoo sighed noticing that I didn't wanna bring it up. "Erm, I gotta go change tho, see you later babe" I said and kissed Sunoo's cheek one more time before leaving.

When I entered the boys changing room I saw Sunghoon and Jake sitting beside each other, suddenly I felt the jealousy rush over me again, I just decided to ignore them and change. But I kept hearing them compliment or flirt with each other. I was done changing and was gonna leave when I suddenly heard Jake call my name, my cheeks immediately turned red, for some reason I felt so flustered hearing him say my name.

I turned around and gave him a cold look, tho my cheeks were a bit red. Jake signalled me to come over, he looked pretty serious, I walked to him and Sunghoon. "Apologise" Jake simply said as he glanced at Sunghoon. I got mad, "Why?" I asked. "What do you mean why!? Look at the bruise you gave him!" Jake yelled at me as he pointed at Sunghoon's huge bruise, my eyes widen, I didn't know it was that bad. I felt bad but I still wanted to play cool. "Well it's not that bad" I said rolling my eyes, tho I felt bad, why am I saying this? Sunghoon is my best friend.

"Come on, apologise" Jake said, I sighed and apologised. "Bow down" Jake said. I rolled my eyes and bowed down before I immediately left.

No ones pov
As Heeseung left, Jake looked at Sunghoon smiling, "Thanks Jake.." Sunghoon gave Jake a warm smile before the two hugged. Jake and Sunghoon got up and left. Jake was gonna have Biology with Niki and Jay now.

Jake entered the classroom, he sat beside Niki. They were supposed to work on their book but instead Jake and Niki were chitchatting with each other and cracking jokes and all. They were laughing very hard, Niki fell of his seat. The teacher got mad and made Jake move from his place. Niki rolled his eyes as he finally decided to work

Jake went and sat beside Jay, he wanted to start a conversation with Jay instead of working but Jay ignored him and worked, Jake rolled his eyes. The class was so boring for Jake, so he just started humming a song quietly for himself. Jake decided to secretly use his phone, he pulled it out and used it under his desk. He thought he was safe until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and when he saw the teacher he flinched very hard making the whole class giggle (His not a class clown). The teacher took Jake's phone. Jake's jaw dropped, he was disappointed.

He saw Niki also using his phone, "But Niki's also using his phone!" Jake said pointing at Niki who immediately hid his phone, the teacher took the phone from Niki, as Niki glared at Jake and Jake stocked his tongue out at him. Suddenly the teacher went to Jake and said "Detention" before leaving. Jake's jaw dropped in disappointment, Niki burst out laughing as Jake pouted.

Jake heard Jay also giggle a bit, "Stop laughing!" Jake pouted, "Alright, sorry 'little' boy" Jay teased him making Jake turn red. Jake sighed in annoyance.

The class was over and Jungwon entered the classroom and ran to Jay (The two are dating), the two hugged as Jake rolled his eyes at them and went over to Niki and hit him. "Ouch!" Niki pouted, "Shut up, kid" Jake left the classroom.

Jake was walking through the hallway in annoyance, he wasn't paying attention to where he was going, until he bumped into someone, it was Sunoo. Jake fell on his butt as Sunoo let out a small giggle and helped him up. "Are you okay?" Sunoo asked trying to be nice, Jake nodded avoiding eye contact, he didn't wanna talk to Sunoo but also didn't wanna be rude to him, so he decided to stay silent.

"Where are you heading?" Sunoo asked and all Jake could do without speaking was shrug. "Have you seen Heeseung?" Sunoo asked, and when Jake heard him mention Heeseung's name he immediately turned to look at Sunoo with a blushing face, Jake shook his head and immediately left.

"Weird" Sunoo thought to himself as he watched Jake running off.


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