| Chap 7

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Heeseung pulled Jake close to him and hugged him, "I feel much better now..thanks.." Heeseung whispered. Suddenly Sunghoon came raging with jealousy, he grabbed Heeseung and then...

Pushed him away from Jake making Heeseung fall on the floor landing on his butt. "Don't touch him!! Get it!?" Sunghoon yelled at Heeseung. Heeseung looked at him shocked "Who the fuck do you think you are!?" Heeseung got up and was about to punch Sunghoon but the teacher stopped the two and gave them detention.

Heeseung was mad and left to wash some blood of as Jake went to Sunghoon furious. "Sunghoon! Are you crazy!!?" Jake yelled, "Hyung..I..I'm sorry!" Sunghoon apologised looking down at Jake, "Don't apologise to me!" Jake yelled and walked away. Sunghoon immediately chased him, "Hying wait!" Sunghoon tried to catch up with him but failed.

(Meanwhile with Sunki)

Niki almost had all his classes with Sunoo, it made him happy. He had art class now and they were gonna draw a fruit, Niki chose to draw an apple. It turned out very bad but he didn't care cause all he could think about was Sunoo. He kept glancing at him from time to time.

Sunoo chose to draw an orange, it turned okay, it was cute and all, now he began to add the colours. He was actually trying.

Niki was done so he decided to be confident and go over to Sunoo, he looked at his drawing "It's so cute" Niki said smiling, Sunoo looked up at him "Thanks.." Sunoo said a bit shyly. "But..you're cuter..." Niki said that quietly to himself so Sunoo wouldn't really hear that, "Huh? What did you say?" Sunoo asked, "What? Nothing.." Niki looked away.

Sunoo continued drawing as Niki slowly stroked his hair. Suddenly a student burst in the classroom and called to Sunoo. "Sunoo hyung from class A! Heeseung hyung from class E is bleeding!" The student said making Sunoo get up and run after the student who was leading him to where Heeseung was. Niki sighed as he walked back to his place, he was curious tho. What happened to Heeseung?

Sunoo went to the restroom and found Heeseung washing off blood on his elbow and other places where he got a bit injured.

"Babe are you okay!?" Sunoo asked running to Heeseung and checking on him. "Oh babe..I'm alright.." Heeseung smiled at him. "What happened!?" Sunoo asked worried, "Just..a small fight, don't worry" Heeseung smiled as he hugged Sunoo.

The two went to some stairs to talk, Sunoo was comforting Heeseung who was clinging to Sunoo. "Uhm..babe..I'm sorry to bring this up..but can we talk about something serious..?" Sunoo said holding Heeseung's hand tightly. "What is it?" Heeseung asked smiling.

"Do..do you still have feelings for me?" Sunoo asked looking deeply into Heeseung's eyes, "Yes! Obviously!" Heeseung said smiling, "But..you..and Jake hyung.." Sunoo said, Heeseung went silent as he looked down, "What about us?" Heeseung asked.

"Do you like him?" Sunoo asked, "No I like you!" Heeseung said squeezing Sunoo's hand. Sunoo sighed, "Please don't lie.." Sunoo said, "I'm not! I love you!" Heeseung said. "Heeseung hyung I'm so sorry to say this but..I want to break up.." Sunoo looked at Heeseung. Heeseung's eyes widened "What!? Why!?" Heeseung was sad and shocked.

"I'm sorry I..." Sunoo went silent when he saw the tears in Heeseung's eyes, Heeseung was very sensitive. "Why...why!?" Heeseung tried to hold back the tears. "Hyung I.." Sunoo couldn't finish his sentence, "Don't call me hyung! I'm your babe! Not your hyung!!" Tears rolled down Heeseung's cheeks.

"Let's break up..." Sunoo got up, "Babe! Sunoo!!" Heeseung cried but Sunoo left "We're over!!" Was Sunoo's last words before he ran off. Heeseung cried out as he didn't wanna chase Sunoo. School ended anyway and Heeseung had detention.

Sunoo ran outside the school to go home but then he suddenly bumped into Niki, Niki looked at him confused, Sunoo was crying. "Sunoo hyung! What's wrong?" Niki asked worried. Sunoo just cried and hugged him. Niki was surprised and flustered as he hugged him back.

"Hyung..what's wrong?" Niki asked, Sunoo wiped his tears and looks up at Niki. "I..I broke up with,..Heeseung hyung.." Sunoo said trying not to cry again. Niki was shocked and hugged him tighter, "Why? What happened?" Niki asked concerned. "I..I don't know..I.." Sunoo cried again in Niki's arms.

Niki kissed Sunoo's head and stroked his hair. Sunoo just kept crying not caring about anything anymore. But he felt a tiny blush on his cheeks when Niki kissed his head.

"Hyung...let's go home, should we?" Niki suggested as Sunoo nodded and they started walking home together. Sunoo didn't wanna say that Niki was the reason he broke up with Heeseung. They held hands as Niki walked Sunoo home.


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