| Chap 4

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(Next day)

Jake was sitting in the classroom, he was writing in his diary, he wrote about what happened the other day. Then Niki came to Jake and sat beside him. "What are you writing hyung?" Niki asked as he wrapped his arm around Jake's shoulders. Jake just dryly answered with "Nothing important..". Then Jungwon came, "Guys we're getting the new dorms tomorrow!!" Jungwon said excitedly.

Jake and Niki looked up at Jungwon, "Omg I know!" Niki said and stood up as him and Jungwon held hands and jumped in a circle in excitement. Jake just face balmed and kept writing on his diary.

Sunghoon came with Jay, "I would give up heaven if I had to~" Sunghoon was singing, "Sunghoon shut up, no one wants to hear your voice in the morning" Jay said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. Sunghoon just scoffed at him and went to the others. "What are you two doing?" Sunghoon pointed at Niki and Jungwon who were jumping in a circle like two wild rabbits.

"We're getting dorms tomorrow!!" Jungwon said excitedly, "So what?" Sunghoon shrugged. Niki and Jungwon rolled their eyes at Sunghoon and sat down.

Suddenly the bell rang, "Oh seems like classes are starting, who has math with me?" Jungwon asked, Jake put up his arm. "Alright then! Let's go!" Jungwon grabbed Jake's arm and pulled him along with him to their next class.

"I have P.E right now" Niki said, "Me too" Jay said. "Oh? So I'm gonna have Biology alone?" Sunghoon pouted. Niki laughed at him and left with Jay.

(At P.E)

When Jay and Niki arrived outside the school where they were gonna have P.E, they saw Sunoo and they were a bit awkward and just avoided him as Sunoo did the same.

They had three choices to play, they could play volleyball, football or basketball, everyone chose what they wanted play, Jay and Niki chose to play football. Sunoo chose to play volleyball.
Everyone played and Niki kept cheating and tackling Jay to the ground, the coach noticed and gave Niki a red card, that just made Jay laugh at him.

Niki rolled his eyes and went to the coach, "This is so unfair!" Niki pouted to the coach, "Please let me play again! I won't cheat or tackle anyone!" Niki whined but the coach refused. Niki kept whining to the coach until the coach lost it, "That's it! You're cleaning up the balls after P.E!" The coach yelled making Niki groan.

Sunoo was playing volleyball, and then the coach decided to make a rule for fun, "The one misses most balls gets to clean up the balls after P.E" The coach said grinning as all the students got more motivated.

Sunoo lost many balls but laughed it off. P.E was over and Sunoo got to clean. He left to clean when he saw Niki also cleaning. "Why are you here?" Sunoo asked, "Why do you think? I'm also cleaning as you can see" Niki said as he collected some balls.

They entered the storehouse to put the balls there. Sunoo was gonna put some balls on a shelf when suddenly the balls were falling but Sunoo didn't notice and before they fell on him Niki noticed and ran to Sunoo, as he pinned him to the wall and made all the balls fall on his own back.

Sunoo looked at Niki as the balls fell on Niki's back. Their faces were so close as the balls kept falling, the more they fell the closer Niki got to Sunoo. The balls stopped falling and the two just stood there.

"A-are you okay..?" Sunoo asked a bit worried now, Niki just nodded as he groaned a tiny bit. "Are you okay?" Niki asked Sunoo looking into his eyes, Sunoo nodded, "Thank you.." Sunoo said and slowly...he hugged Niki. Niki's was surprised and gasped quietly in surprise, his heart was racing and he felt something weird in his stomach. He hugged Sunoo back as the two embraced each other.

Niki was smelling Sunoo's scent, he smelled like peaches. Niki slowly stroked Sunoo's hair, he was too lost in the hug that he forgot about the time. "N-Niki.." Sunoo whispered trying to pull away from the hug. Niki immediately went back to reality as he pulled away, "Oh sorry.." Niki apologised blushing in embarrassment.

Sunoo giggled a bit, "It's okay.." He said, "Let's go to class should we?" Niki suggested as Sunoo nodded with a smile. They started walking to their next class. They were both blushing on the way.


Jake had his last class now, he was with Sunghoon now, they had History together. All Jake could think about was who his roommate could be, he was thinking about it the whole time. Until suddenly the bell rang and everyone packed their stuff to go home. Jake also got up with Sunghoon as they left to go home.  Jake walked home with Sunghoon.


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