7. Storm before the rain (part 1)

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(Author's note: Hey everyone, this chapter turned out way longer than I'd expected so I cut it up in two parts. I hope it won't undercut your fun of reading the story. Thanks for your support and kind comments!)

Two months ago.

When Clint came back from his Rescue and Relief service, he was smiling like a schoolboy who'd just been kissed by his crush. And he was carrying the crates of rations that he'd written off from the ration clerk.

Marie had returned his smile with just as much youthfulness when she saw him. She ran into his arms, feeling like a schoolgirl herself. She kissed him fondly and held him for a long time, letting the fact sink in that he was really back.

"These were the longest two months of my life," Clint whispered to her. "But this makes it all worth it."

Marie looked up at him, grinning. "So the field duty didn't beat the romance out of you, huh? Not bad. Not bad at all."

"It would take more than a few harrowing sights to beat the romance out of me," Clint said.

Marie giggled.

Clint's eyes happened on Zack who was standing a few feet away, rather awkwardly, rather shyly. As if not sure what he was supposed to do. Clint just smiled and stepped forward, crouched down and opened his arms. "Come here, big guy," he said.

Zack smiled back at his father, still rather shy. He walked into his Dad's embrace.

Clint held his son close to him for a long, long time. "I'm so glad to see you're okay," he whispered to his son.

"I'm glad you're back too," Zack said.

Clint pulled away and grabbed a chocolate bar from the crate of rations he'd brought with him. "Here you go." He offered the chocolate to his son. "You won't have to share that one with anyone, okay?"

Zack took his little gift, nodding, smiling. Clint ruffled his hair.

That's when the decontamination nozzles hissed again. Someone entered the living room. "It took me some time, but I finally got some fish," said a man's voice.

"Well, still perfect timing, Nick," Marie said. She was smiling again.

"Nick?" Clint looked at the man. He was much younger than him but about the same height with bright green eyes and dark brown hair. He was lithe and toned, even in his button down shirt and jeans. And he was carrying what looked like a cooling box they used to use for keeping the beer chilled.

"That's me, sir." Nick smiled and stuck his hand out towards Clint. "And you must be Clint."

"Dr. Clint Harris." he said, gripping Nick's hand and shaking it briskly.

Nick just gave a friendly smile and nodded. "Yeah, Marie told me," he said. "You are really brave to go out and do what you did."

Clint frowned. "I still don't know who you are."

Marie stepped forward. "I ran into Nick when I went out foraging last month. I stepped into an abandoned house hoping to find some supplies for me and Zack. There weren't any. Turns out, the house wasn't very abandoned. One of the infected attacked me. I screamed and that's when Nick heard me when he was passing down the street outside. He swung in to rescue and beat down the infected."

"Did he?" Clint raised an eyebrow at Nick. The younger man blushed.

Marie nodded. "I thanked him for saving my life. He asked me if I had some drinkable water to spare. I offered him a bottle from my backpack. We chatted for awhile. I told him I'd come in to find food before I was ambushed. He said he had some cans of food to spare since he felt it was too dangerous for me to go foraging on my own. I asked him if he would like to stay here with me and Zack."

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