Chapter One

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The brown leaves crunched under my black boots as I walked through the dead forest with the hard branches of the slumped trees scratched my bare legs, my blonde hair blew in the wind as I kept walking in the dead forest. It's been a total of three years, three years since the dangerous creatures called Aliens came to Earth, destroying and taking everything away from us, humans. It first begin when a unfortunate man worked in a large building, he allegedly went outside to smoke but never came out, sightings said a green like creature took him in a forest, but it never got confirmed as the Earth population declined rapidly. Now, the Earth uncolored with nothing but sorrow and sadness. 

I stopped in my tracks to pick up a tattered newspaper that laid on the dead grass, the old newspaper headline had in bold words 'UFO sighting in New York'  my eyes narrowed down to the picture underneath the headline, the picture blurred with dirt covering it. 

I drank my contaminated water, knowing the risk that I could get horribly sick but my thirst was far more important, I washed down the bitter granola bar with the water, hoping to make the horrible taste flush down. Survival on Earth meant using every tool you could find, including dirty water that could have a possibility of parasites inside and expired granola bars that most likely had maggots inside the wrapper.  I threw the granola bar wrapper on the ground since it didn't matter whether you threw trash away or not; the Earth is dead anyways.

My head looked up at the gray sky, I remembered the times when the sky had a beautiful color of light blue with white clear clouds, now replaced with dark colors and no clouds to remind you of how pretty the world looked. What happened to Earth was horrible and devastating, but it is up to me and other people who are still alive to change the atmosphere back to normal. 

I tugged on my jacket's strings as I continued to walk throughout the woods, I needed to find some sort of shelter that I would be able to sleep in for the night since it was getting dark, meaning it was near night time. My body shivered from the cold wind that blew on my pale skin, that's another reason why I needed to find a shelter. 

To my luck, a cabin stood in front of me. I cautiously approached the cabin, a sense of unease washed over me when I saw how deeply scared the shelter looked. The glass shattered with glass all over the ground, I took a peak inside, the only thing I saw were destroyed items inside. My eyes went back to the outside of the cabin, the wooden structure had deep scrapes in the wood with moss growing over it, telling me it has been in the forest for quite some time slowly aging over time. 

I sighed as I took a hesitant step forward, my hands trembled when it touched the worn out doorknob, with ease it opened up with a creak. My heart pound in my chest while I walked inside, the cabin was a mess with things thrown on the ground; a brown couch lay on its side with sharp silver spring poked out of the torn cushion, a white oven with the cracked glass door kept opened, now infested with cobwebs and dust. 

I walked over to the broken couch, I placed both of my hands on the brown dusty couch and grunt as I tried to put the couch upright, after a few attempts I managed to do just that. I wiped my hand on my forehead with a sigh, with the couch being heavy it was hard for me to carry it back to normal. I took my hand off my forehead and slammed it on the brown couch, making dust fly everywhere. 

My gaze went in front of me where a white, large refrigerator stood. I made my way to it and opened it eagerly, only to see nothing but old and moldy things. A carton of milk got my attention, I picked it up from the shelf and looked inside; the white liquid looked gray with green spots inside. I immediately put it back up after the horrid smell filled up my nostrils. I quickly shut the refrigerator's door and went to where the cabinets were.

The first cabinet reveled a collection of glass plates and clear cups inside, a few of the items had mouse droppings on them for sitting in the cabinet for over three years. I closer the wooden door and made my way to the other cabinet by its left, inside were canned goods such a soups and beans, without hesitating I quickly grabbed all of the cans and shoved it inside my backpack, in case if I ever get hungry. In the last cabinet it had silver wear, one particular one got my eyes; the knife. I carefully got out the sharp knife as it could be great for combat.

My stomach growled in hungry, putting my bag down on the wooden floor, I got out the chicken soup and opened it with the black can opener that was left on the counter. After I opened it, I looked for a silver spoon and wiped it with my jacket since the water from the sink didn't work after I tried to wash the spoon. I dipped my spoon into the can and took my first bite, happiness was the only word I could describe it. I closed my eyes with a sigh, slowly eating the soup to memorize the delicious flavors that were on my taste buds, it tasted like heaven.

Soon after I finished it was full night time, with the sky being all black and the moon not shining. I made my way to the broken couch, carefully avoiding the spring poking out from the cushion. My eyes slowly dropped down as everything went dark. 

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