Chapter Nine

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My hand went inside my coat pocket, finding a crumbled up paper that I kept from the desk in the room. As I took it out, the crinkling sound of the paper got everyone's attention "what's that?" Leo asked, his brown eyes narrowing down to my pale hands, I moved my fingers across the bumps and edges of the paper, hoping to smooth it out. "I believe a group of some sort" I glanced at the three boys who stood in front of me "take a look yourself" I handed it over to Leo, he read the white paper with his eyebrows furrowed and his nose scrunched up "New members?" Leo looked up from the paper, his eyes landing on mine "I found it in the desk, where all of our folders our... maybe that group can help us with our mission.." 

"What if its a trap?" Leo asked, his voice mixed of curiosity and skepticism as he handed me back the paper "We'll be prepared" I answered the boy with confidence "We have enough weapons" I folded up the paper back, as I did so I felt a small cut "Shit" I cursed under my breath, realizing I got a paper cut on my pointer finger "Oh... that must've hurt.." Shawn sucked his teeth, slightly wincing. "I'll be fine" I ignored the stinging sensation that sat on my firm finger tips while I put the paper back into my pocket. 

After I put the paper up, my eyes landed on a sad Santiago "I don't want to die.." he said with his eyes fixed on the blue and green bracelet that Bethany made him before she... got taken away. The sad memory of finding out that Bethany had been captured replayed in my brain, sadness erupted all in my body. Santiago sighed loudly, the emotion he was feeling was obvious; sadness, depression. 

I placed my hand on his sweater, trying to reassure him "You won't die if you have us" Santiago's eyes left the bracelet and landed on my bright blue eyes, he looked down at my lips that were formed into a small smile and back up to my iris "Fine..." He trusted me, he knew that I knew what I was doing. 

"What do you two think?" My eyes scanned Leo and Shawn's face as I waited for them to give their opinion about my plan. Shawn nodded his head in agreement "I think we should explore" He gave a toothy smile, liking the idea of exploring a sad, dark world. "You guys really want to die, huh?" Leo huffed with his eyes squinted, he rather sit in an abandoned arcade than trying to find more people that could possibly help with defeating the aliens. 

"Leo," I called out his name, he snapped his head towards my direction "I killed a lot of aliens in the past couple of days, you can trust me" I reminded him about me protecting myself and others, I knew what I was doing, I knew we needed to leave in order for us to change the world. Leo thought for a second before sighing "fine!" He yelled, his arms throwing up in the air "let's get murdered" He sarcastically said with a roll coming from his eyes "It's settle, lets pack our stuff." 

I grabbed my backpack off the soft, colorful, carpet, the faded colors reminded me of my journey of a world infested with aliens. I reached over for some handy tools, including a hammer, flashlights and a crowbar that luckily fit inside my small bag. My eyes flicked to a faded photograph of my family, all smiling together. The beautiful blue dress I wore flew in the wind with my hair, my sister's unicorn toy tightly tucked in her arms, my parents both smiling at each other with a hint of blush on my mothers cheek- I remember that day, a day right before spring break, a day right before we went to the amusement park... it was one of the happiest I've ever looked.

Leo watched me from behind with a serious expression "You're really taking this serious, huh?" His eyes flicked between me and my bag, wondering what I had inside. "Yeah" I sighed as I picked myself off of the carpet, a red mark appearing on my knees from the rough carpet "as a leader I have to protect everyone" I wiped my knees with my palm, cleaning the dust that I collected from the floor. Leo loudly snorted, finding it assuming "yeah alright. If we die you will be known as the worst leader in history" I shot him a warning glance before trying to calm down my nerves at his childish attitude 

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