Chapter 11: A Long Night Walk

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Stone let the hooded figure go, and Kate accepted reality. But little did they know, it would be their greatest regret. Kate and Stone only had 5 more days till the others would return, so he started with complex lessons, on how to use her powers and the history of telekinesis. "What is this? I can't understand a thing!"', "You have to Miss. Parker.", he said. "W-W-Well at least, could you make me understand, one more time, please?", she asked making a confused look, which meant she hadn't understood anything. Stone sighed and gave in.

After the lessons, they had their lunch in the afternoon. Kate went to her room and picked up a book to read. "What are you reading?", "Just, random stuff.", "Ok, what is random stuff?", he asked as Kate got annoyed, "I'm reading a novel.", "I hope it's a good one,", he continued, "You know what I mean.", "Yes, I do...", she said, feeling very awkward by his presence in the room.

After a few hours, it was 4 pm and Kate asked Stone if she could go outside for a walk. "I'm not supposed to leave you alone here, and you know that.", "I do... But just 30 minutes, please?", "Ok, but stay close to the cottage.", said Stone as she squealed in excitement. She had planned to go to the city and have fun all alone, far away from the cottage, and of course, Stone had no idea. It was 7 pm and Kate hadn't returned home yet, so Stone went outside to call her, as she had told him she was outside the cottage, to walk. "Miss. Parker! Dinner is almost ready, you may come home now!", but there was no response. He went further to find her, but she wasn't there.

"Miss. Parker? Miss. Parker, dinner is ready.", and yet no response, but silence. Stone now knew that she wasn't around here, at least for a few miles. He knew she had gone to the city. And so, he left for the city. Meanwhile, Kate was having fun in the city. She went to the ice cream parlor, the arcade, the bookstore, and whatnot! A few hours later, it was 10 pm, and she had entered an empty metro station. There were no people.

"I'm in a field of dandelions!", she started singing to herself. She was in her senses though, but still, she wanted to enjoy for one night, as she used to stay in the cottage the whole day. As she was singing, a train passed by her, swishing the wind towards her. She stopped singing when she saw a man in black looking at her. She looked carefully and learned that it was the Hooded Man. She wanted to run, but the Hooded Man started coming towards her. "If I were you, I wouldn't do that.", "Oh, trust me. I know just what to do.", he said, as he came close to her.

As she was ready to fight him, by using her powers, someone hit him hard on his head, and he fell unconscious. It was Stone, and before the man could get up, he grabbed Kate's hand and they both rushed outside. "You didn't have to, I had it under control!", "You're welcome.", said Stone in a cold tone, and Kate knew she was in trouble.

When they reached home, Stone turned towards Kate, and he was fuming in anger. "Where were you?", "I was... In the city.", she said. "And the city is not near or outside the cottage, is it?", "Yes but-", "Not. One. Word.", he said, in a harsh tone.

"I'm so-", "I said, not one word, Miss. Parker,", he continued, "And that means you have the right to remain silent, until and unless, anyone, as far for this situation, I, ask you to speak.", he said. "Do you know, what could have happened to you, if I wasn't on time? You could have died!", he said, as he came near Kate. "I said-", "There's nothing to be sorry about! You have no idea what you did today.", he said, as Kate was at the end of the room, her back facing the wall.

"You're not going anywhere until the others come.", he said, as he saw Kate shaking in fear. He didn't care, because he could have lost her that day, and the others would've blamed him for that. He just barged out of the room, leaving Kate completely shocked. After he left, tears started dropping down by her cheeks, and she wanted the others to come home as soon as possible.

She got a day out of two weeks, to enjoy herself, to be herself. Because the cottage was like a prison for her. She would wake up, freshen up, have breakfast, attend the lessons, have lunch, read a book, have dinner, sleep, and repeat. She was happy, but she knew she had done the wrong thing. So, before dinner, she went to Stone and apologized.

"I know...", she continued, in a sad tone, "You don't want to talk to me. And I completely understand why. But I...", she said, as she started tearing up. "I'm sorry, I-", "It's okay.", he said, as he got up. "I just wanted to... do what I wanted to...", she said, as Stone felt guilty for scaring her. He never had the intention of doing so.

"And again, I'm so sorry-", "It's okay, Kate!", he said, as she started crying silently, as she looked at the ground. "I'm the one who should say sorry.", he said, as Kate continued crying. He pulled her into a hug, and after a few minutes, she was normal again. "Thank you...", "For?", "Saving me... I knew I said I could've done it alone, but both of us know, I don't know how to fight properly.", she said, as they looked at each other, and laughed. "You will learn, tomorrow.", he said, as they went inside.

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