Chap 4.

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You saw Sunghoon disappeared in Jake's house, it made you felt really lonely and O/t came up to you with a smile. « Now you need to make him regret what he lost. And the gorgeous women he left. » She said to you with a determined look on her face and then you smile at her. You really wanted to prove that you're doing better and make him regret the way he throw you like a shit. « I will. But Do you wanna kept being here or maybe you can rest at my home, i have some clothes i can give you. Actually i have a lot of clothes haha ! so tomorrow we can go shopping and buy new clothes for the revenge ? are you in? » You said to her with a big smile on your face, it made her giggle as she nods. « Let's do it. I wanted to get out of here anyways ». Then you both took a taxi and left. Jake were looking at you leaving behind the window of his living room, Sunghoon were smirking because he knew that you will make him regret.

You and O/f arrived at your house and she was chocked about how gorgeous, modern and big your house was. « Welcome to my house o/f » You said while looking at her admiring the garden and the house. « I didn't know you were living in such a gorgeous house. You never show people that you have a lot of money. » She said with a smile. « Actually yes.. i don't like when people just see me as the ' rich girl ' of the school and i don't want any fake friend who use me for my money. I was wrong on f/n.. she's such a bitch. » You said angrily but then calmed down because you didn't wanted to be mean to your new friend. She smiled as she saw you struggling for not being angry. Then you both entered your house.

Your house had a lot of big rooms. The living room was huge, with a giant tv and a huge sofa, a huge table occupied a biggest part of the living room. Everything was in white, grey and black color. It was really modern and really beautiful. Then both of you let your bag in the entrance and went up to your room. Your room were really huge too, with a giant bed, a really comfy one and some posters, photos and plants were everywhere all around the room.

- « I love your house y/n, it's like, so beautiful » she said with sparkles on her eyes. Then you smiled at her remark and search a pyjama for her, you took a really comfy pyjamas and gave it to her. « here you go ! you can get dressed in the bathroom, it is the first door in the right ! » You said happily and she went to the bathroom and changed. You also changed into your pyjama and she came back. « it's suits you better than me. Maybe you should keep it. » You said with a large smile. « Wait you can't give it to me ! it's your stuff ! » She said with a smile on her face too and looked at herself. « I mean, you see my house ! i have a lot of pyjamas and i can buy one if i really needed to. don't worry and just keep it. » You said and put you hand on her shoulder.

After a long time you both went to sleep and mumbled a « good night » and closed your eyes and both of you fell asleep.


The next morning, you woke up before her and just sat on the bed while rubbing your eyes with your fingers and yawn, actually you were feeling well, ready for a new day. A day of the preparation for your revenge to f/n and Jake. You cannot wait and got up of bed before writing a note and put it next to o/f then you went downstairs and went to the kitchen and started preparing the breakfast. After some times you heard footsteps on the stairs and it was o/f. « Hi o/f ! did you sleep well ? » You said with a smile while cooking. « It's the first time i slept this well to be honest. I really feel good and it's like my tiredness is gone. » She gave you a big smile while doing it and hugged you. « And thank you for yesterday, it's really nice of your part to welcome me in your house and to be nice with me. It's the first time someone treat me like you do. » She smiled and you could see that she was affected by your kindness. « you're welcome. if someone is nice to me i am nice to them in return ! and plus you are really nice and sweet so it's not a problem! » You said and patted her shoulder.

After this moment, you both were eating and then you received a notification, someone tagged you on a post and o/f  received the video too because it was sent to all the studients. In the video you could see Sunghoon yelling at Jake in a empty room. He was really angry. You could hear : « how did you dare to hurt her and just treat her like a shit huh ? You kept talking shit behind her back and she had always be kind to you and now you treat her like she is the mean person here ? I can't believe you Jake. I thought you changed but you never change and never will. » He was really angry and it felt really strange to see him angry at Jake and.. For you ? You weren't sure if it was you or not and decided to do like you saw nothing.

- « Wow... Sunghoon don't seems like he hate you this much. » o/f said while giggling and looking at you. « We aren't sure if it's me or not, if Jake is a player he could probably talk about someone else. » You shrug and look at her. « Or it's a big coincidence. like i mean i am sure he talked about you. The way he took him apart to another room so no one could hear him defending you and it was at Jake's party so i really think they are arguing about you » She said with a soft tone. « mhh.. we'll.. you're probably right but let's not make too hasty proposals, we are not even sure » You said as she responded « yes » with a big smile on her face.

After a while, you both dressed up and leads to the mall where you did a lot of shopping. You and o/f were really enjoying the moment. It's been a long time since you had a great time. Actually f/n was not really nice to you, she was always taking you down and being mean to you. As you were enjoying, you saw familiar faces. Jake and f/n together hand in hand walking near from here so you and o/f were hiding in a shop. « Wait. Why are we hiding ? » O/f said while laughing. « I don't know neither » Then you laugh too and keep going but some clothes. You and o/f passed by them many times and just give them a side eye. After several hours you both returned to your house and tried clothes as o/f is picking some clothes to make you wear it on monday to school.

- « That is perfect. it will suits you so well i can't wait to see you in it !! » She said happily while putting it on the bed and cleaned the other clothes and putted them to your closet. « Don't try it on while i am here i wanna have the surprise monday ! » She giggled. Then she helped you prepare your stuff to go to your ice skating club to train yourself for the championship, you were really stressed because you were sure that the trainer will put you in a duo with Sunghoon. But it's tomorrow so you can enjoy your saturday. With o/f before she had to leave.  It was the night and o/f receive a message from her dad it says that he is in front of the house so he waited for her. You accompanied her to her dad's car and talk with him a bit before they leave your house. Then after she left you returned to your house and watched the tv again. 5 minutes later you received a message from your coach.

Hahah sorry it's the last chapter for today ! i will try to write tomorrow ( i have the time because i finish at 2pm haha ) .

See you later  and good night / good day, depends on where you live haha.

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